Her heart skipped a beat whens she heard him say, "You're Biggs daughter right?" he smiled " Persephone? Wow you've grown up since I last saw you. Good to see Tidus recruited you, it'll be a pleasure playing with you." He reached out and took her hand and shook it, all she could do is smile back and nod. She felt like she was in the clouds. Gippal remembered her! She was red in the face as she tried to calm herself down as he started talking with Tidus. Her attention was was grabbed by Alex who patted her head and said to her, " Hey there Persephone, glad to see I'm not the only one who knows this Cotton head" She looked up to Alex from the corner of her eye. " I wouldn't go as far to say as know, unlike you I never really gotten to know him personally, he was on the Abe's when my father was still playing." She didn't expect an answer due to the group now moving towards town because of the words of the giant white haired man whom she recognized as Urick, Gippals cousin. He looked even more massive than he did when's he saw him two years ago. She felt truly tiny compared to him. He made even Alex look small because of his muscles. A blur of things happened as they moved towards town, a young dark haired man fell and got back up, where a woman ronso leaped towards him and landed next to him. After the man yelled out his name which Persephone cocked her head to the side at the strange reaction. He must of been trying to keep some form of dignity. Which didn't last long when the ronso gave him a bear hug. She must admit this last few minutes where more interesting than her stay in Besaid. All these interesting people who come just t travel with the team. She looked towards Alex and Gippals as she asked him what brought him back to the sport. It had to be because he loved the game, he was one of the only players she met who was a star that didn't do it for the money or the fame. She remembered times where he would slip away in Zanarkand to get away from the press and fans. She then looked to Urick, the gentle giant, she remembered him helping a little girl get an autograph from Gippals who was pushed to the side in the crowd and shoved to the ground, at which Urick shoved the other people to the side bent down and scooped up the little girl in one arm and placed her in front of Gippal, who then spent some time with the girl asking about her and answering questions. She smile at Urick and said, "Hello! Good to see you Urick. Do you remember me?" She said trying to start conversation with him, he was usually quiet but she hoped he would remember her from Zanarkand and talk a little more.