Rethea had been silent while the crowd had gathered and the music had continued. Sometime during the odd song she had closed her eyes in an effort to better hone her sense of hearing onto every note that the human played. Standing there amongst the humans, she stood still like a statue. Suddenly, the music stopped and a man's voice rose over the bustle of the bunker. Opening her eyes she saw a human male addressing those before him. From what she could tell he was one with high authority.....or atleast an outgoing soul..... When he ordered them to board the Achilles, she froze...... This was the first time she had ever been away from Sangheilios; on board a human ship that had once been her enemy's. Truth be told she was nervous; would this work out with that the Arbiter had in mind? Was he telling the truth about finding a new start for her? Suddenly, Rethea was aware of a man speaking to her through the throng. She shook out of her stupor and looked down, blinking when she saw the player of the odd human instrument. Clicking her mandibles in shock, she gave him a quick nod and flinched when someone bumped into her side. The halls were becoming rather thick with humans struggling to board the ship. Snorting slightly Rethea turned back to the man, flustered by the sudden change in motions, "From what my superiors told me.....yes I'm with Achilles....." She tilted her head down at the Corporal and looked him over. He seemed friendly; one of the only humans to acknowledge her. Nodding again she gripped her staff close and tensed against the humans pushing past her and up the hangar stairs. "If you would not mind my company.....I would appreciate boarding with you. I'm to meet my new team once situated......but at this point I don't know what to do." She glanced with wide eyes at those surrounding her, glancing to Corporal Knight with a weak smile. She should try to be was the only way to find any allies in this strange place, "I'm Rethea 'Yurume....."