Urick was silent when he heard Gippal say " Do you guys hear that?" He could, was coming from inside the fayth. He noticed the color as well as suddenly Lady Yuna rushed passed them, she seemed confused and when she brushed the glass away he could see it as a loving gesture. He heard stories on how close she was to her Aeons. He even heard her say "Valfore" in a way one would meet a long lost friend. She then turned around and demanded to know what happened. At which the black haired woman yelled in a strange voice with her eyes glowing,"Return to us!" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. What was with this woman? She froze the glass went mad and now is glowing in the eyes. He then saw Gippal try to answer but before he could the fayth flashed brightly for a few moments, blinding everyone as they covered their eyes. As the flash died a warmth seemed to flow the once cold room. Urick finally looked and saw Yuna standing and looking at the fayth. Which the glass was repaired now and he fayth, once grey was now vibrant with color. He could hear Yuna say" why did you come back? Who did this?" She seemed to speak with the fayth though none could hear the reply. Perhaps there was none. But slowly a small girl appeared over the glass of the fayth. The girl spoke. " We... came back...because he asked..." She looked to Yuna who shook her head "who asked you?" The girl didn't reply but looked to Alex when she saw the pendant she smiled before resting her eyes on the blonde woman. "He will explain...but we came to..." It seemed as if the Fayth was about to say something but decideded against it. At which she looked at the blonde woman, bowed her head and said, "All will be answered... At the right time..." and vanished. Leaving them alone in the fayth, the hymn of the fayth singing loudly as he was told it once was. Lady Yuna had tears in her eyes as she looked at the blonde. "You are Lablanc's daughter arnt you? It will seem Valfore has chosen you to be her next summoner..." She looked at the black haired woman... A curious expression came to her face.... "Do...do I know you?" She seemed very familiar to her... On multiple levels.