Knight smiled as he started towards the ship. "It's nice to meet you Rethea. I'm Knight, well that's not my name but it's what everyone calls me, I got it back on Requiem see I was with ONI's research groups meaning we hit the places Spartans thoughts was a bad idea, I think I'm one of only two living members of the team, anyway when the Infinity was boarded I saw these Spartans and joined up with them. Apparently they were taking back one of the hangars and we had just about shut and suddenly this huge group of Knights, there Forerunner war machines or something, was everywhere." Knight sighed pushing past a few other UNSC personal who were boarding keep Rethea in his line of sight. "Hey follow me Rethea, I'll show were the troops bunk." He turned back heading towards the cabins. "Back to the story, so I saw these marines they'd run out of ammo and this bastard was going to fire this strange canon thing at them, so I jumped on it's back jammed the railgun I was holding into it's back and fired. I woke up three hours later armor wrecked, railgun toasted but I had saved the marines." He smiled proudly as they neared the rooms. "Anyway if your looking for a room it's free choice, there's bunks in a room so you'll have two roommates. Pick any room you like, mine's right over here." With that the Corporal ducked into the room he had just pointed out as his.