Remi was already on the ship, he had stowed away his belongings and finally donned his armour in full, bar the helmet. He loved the design of it, the colour and the way the armour was moulded. He didn't bother to activate his armour's personal energy shield, he just ran a quick diagnostic on the armour to make sure it was working as it should and nothing was amiss, he looked for his weapons before remembering they had been placed in the armoury: A Plasma repeater, Pistol and Energy Sword in all. Fairly basic weapons but he wasn't a flashy fighter, only a good one. He grinned to himself as he left his room, looking up and down the hallway, he saw a human male and a female of his own species talking, they were choosing their rooms, and the hallway had become quite full. Though he noticed that he was being given a wide berth. It seemed that many still didn't trust his species. He didn't blame them but he would have to earn their trust to know that he would be able to work well with them in a possible combat situation. Remi nodded towards the Sangheili and human before turning and beginning to head towards the mess hall, he hoped to grab some food before he had to muster wherever he would be called to. He looked around himself as he walked, it was his first time aboard a human warship after all, he hadn't ever been aboard one even during the war, he was a foot soldier, not good enough to have fought the apparent scum, the heathens, they had been called many derogatory names, those humans. He grimaced, he was working with them now, what would his clan think? He dreaded to think, as many were now part of the Storm faction, his clan had been split down the middle, those that he had known all of his life, now his enemies. He pushed the thought from his mind as he, with helmet in hand, pushed open the doors to the mess hall and moved over to the counter to grab some food, some meat hopefully.