When Knight assumed that she wanted to bunk there, she smiled, nodded and gave him a thumbs up. She then walks into the room, picking a bed and setting her helmet down on the bedside table. Reaching into her armour, she found a set of tools that was used for maintaining and removing MJOLNIR armour. Armour was usually removed by several technicians or a set of robotic machines, however it was possible to remove the armour on your own. As she took off both of the shoulder pieces and the gauntlets, she looked up to see Knight giving a swing with his energy sword. [i]Now, there's a difficult choice. Tell command, lose a friend, or don't, keep a friend, but probably get charged with knowing that he has such a weapon.[/i] Aria decided to keep it a secret. She took off the front and back plating, leaving her in just the undersuit and the boots. She placed her armour against her bed, and laid herself down, kicking her legs up one on top of the other, watching the knight with his sword.