"Free huh? Well thanks for that then." Eve replied back, catching the lighter without even paying much attention to it. Her eyesight and reflexes were made for high-end articifial combat, which went at speeds past what humans could keep up with without enhancement chips and such. So this was really nothing. Jurgen laid out some rules for smoking, which were all understandable. If this was a poor neighbourhood then burglars and such would find any unlocked door an easy mark. Outside Eve lit the cigarette and inhaled the first smoke. But then she thought to herself about smoking in the first place. "Weird...do droids have use for smoking?" She mused, deciding to check her internal systems. There was actually some use. The particles of smoke were light, so the molecules could be used for area's of her body that needed light-weight material. But why was she doing this? It gave some satisfaction, but there was nothing about it in her programming. She quickly decided to leave that thought behind her and to just enjoy the smoke though. It didn't seem like anything important. A harmless glitch maybe. Once she was done Eve went back inside. She locked the door as requested and headed back into the apartment. Jurgen was walking about the place like crazy, looking for something apparently. She instead decided to plant herself on the couch, figuring she wouldn't be of much help since she had no clue where anything was in his home. "What are you searching for?" She still asked though, curious what he was on about.