While it was much easier to navigate in a weightless environment using telekinesis, Rareth avoided using her magic as much as possible in order to give herself a chance to recover from her prior exertion. She stopped maintaining her barrier and relied strictly on momentum to push her through the corridors. With the chaos the sudden attack had created, any pursuers which had been sent after them had likely abandoned the search or been diverted to some other objective. The team encountered no resistance for some time as they made their way back to the hanger through an alternate route, near the outer edge of the station. There were no more station rattling explosions, but there were undoubtedly battles occurring across the station, as after rescuing the hostages, their forces were tasked with clearing out the station. Eventually, Shuo asked about her spaceworthiness, and as she rounded the corner, Rareth could see why. A blast door was locked down in front of them. Given that the rebels had been given almost no opportunity to react, it was likely an automated response to depressurization in the chamber just beyond. "I'll be fine. My wound is closed, and my suit is skintight. It doesn't need a seal to provide pressure As long as nothing actually punctures my scales again, there will be no issue." Rareth explained, taking position by the manual release on the blast door. Like Shuo, she magnetized her boots to the floor and instructed the others to do the same. "Get ready, make sure your oxygen levels are fine." Once everyone signaled they were ready, Rareth opened the door, sending a sizable rush of air out into the vacuum which lasted for several seconds before a blast door behind them locked down as well. She felt her suit rapidly constrict around her as the pressure dropped, eventually bringing her back to the same equilibrium as before. Before them was a [i]very[/i] sizable breach, one that stretched several floors above and below them, and was just as wide. It looked to be one of the impact sites from a plasma cannon, which opened up the breach to allow the missile strikes to penetrate deep within the station. There was a field of debris, from small particles to large metal plates, scattered in the empty space between them and their destination on the other side. The group pushed off in as straight of a line as possible towards the opposite door, though it would require some maneuvering to get through the debris. However, Rareth caught a light out of the corner of her eye which captured her attention. Looking over, she could see the helmet lights of another group about their size coming from deeper inside the station to their left. From their armor, they were not part of the Assembly force. "Get to cover!" Rareth shouted immediately through the comms, which was quickly followed by gunfire from the direction of the hostiles. Given that the blast of air has pushed away much of the debris nearest the door, she had to rush to find suitable cover. Since Shiva's suit did not seem to possess thrusters, Rareth grabbed onto her arm and telekinetically pulled her towards a large, slightly spinning piece of the station's hull. As soon as they were close enough, they grabbed on, and Rareth used her telekinesis to stabilize its spin. It was still drifting slightly, but it was still a mostly stable platform for the moment. While Rareth had rested enough to regain some energy, she needed to be conservative with her magic in this fight.