[i]collab between idlehands and Jinxer[/i] [i]Nightfall, Healing House, Trelleborg[/i] Ragnar stepped forward, already irritated by the mouthy Pict and Harald's arrival with a small force made him hungry for a fight. He was still outnumbered but not by much and he knew his men were better warriors and he could likely win. He held himself in check however because the children and women were just behind him in the house. With blue eyes bright with hatred he watched as the false thegn offered him compensation for the attack on his home. Sigrid stood behind the men, next to Hallerna and she struggled to keep silent. She wanted this man run through, skewered on Ragnar's sword [i]Hausstaka[/i], the Skull Taker. Her hands itched to grip her own spear, to watch the pointed tip of [i]Issvigr[/i] penetrate Harald's chainmail covered chest. She entertained such thoughts briefly as the dwarvish man had the young raider executed. Sigrid looked away from the helpless young man's terror, despite her hatred for any who would harm her children, she found it hard to watch the boy be executed. The big fair sword Dane was still flanked by Ivarr and Haakon, and he glared down at head that rolled to his feet. The face was young, even younger than Ivarr, but that did not matter to the seasoned warrior. The payment of the boy's life was to be even for the attack on his home, an acknowledgement that it had not been Harald's orders. The big Dane clenched his jaw and when Harald turned his back on him, he spoke up in a deadly calm voice. [b]"You still owe me for my slave,"[/b] Ragnar said, stepping forward, standing ahead of his men, his hand on the hilt of his sword. Harald stopped at the Ragnarsson's voice and craned his head over his shoulder; not even bothering to turn around. It was clear that the man was spoiling for a fight, as were his men. While Harald had the numerical superiority it was not a situation too great for his liking. Even with the men he had hidden in the shadows with readily strung bows he disliked there being any chance of defeat. [b]"For a slave?"[/b] Harald repeated, his mouth working the words slowly as if he did not comprehend them. What stupidity! When did any man of station bother to demand compensation for a slave? They were objects, commodities. Harald had not stolen them nor permanently damaged them; merely used a single slave before sending the girl on her merry way. He turned around although he stayed where he was; plenty of his men in between himself and Ragnar's party. [b]"She can still work, can she not? She is not... spoiled goods; no more spoiled than when she found her way into my bed in any case. So tell me, Ragnar, what compensation would you want? I have not stolen your slave so I cannot give her back to you and the only action I took was to honour her use as a woman."[/b] His eyes glinted with a dark humour and pleasure. [b]"I have merely broken your slave temporarily, she will be able to work within a day or two if you bothered to instill some discipline in her like I do with my own possessions."[/b] Ragnar's eyes flashed dangerously, the sound of his chainmail rustling as he shifted his weight audible in the silence that followed Harald's words. He trusted his wife to keep her mouth shut for the moment but without looking he knew her face was as red as her hair. The big thegn cocked his head slightly, looking pointedly down at the stocky dark haired man. [b]"You damaged her enough that I demand compensation,"[/b] Ragnar said, his voice steady and deep. [b]"It is my right as her owner to ask for this. She is useless right now and unlike you I don't like a woman, slave or not, who is afraid of her own shadow."[/b] Sigrid's face was indeed flushed pink as she glared at Harald. She bit down on her tongue to try to keep the flood of angery words in check but the last part about set her off. She had a right to speak up, Tora was hers, a gift from Ragnar when she became pregnant with Raudr. In many ways, the young woman was family, as close to her as her sister had been despite her status. [b]"You are a troll of a man,"[/b] she said, her voice tight with rage. [b]"You waste good slaves on your sick desires. Because of your inability to control yourself you have put three in there that cannot work. What you did to Tora was -"[/b] [b]"Enough,"[/b] Ragnar said sharply without looking back, [b]"This man knows what he did. Offer me flesh for flesh, and perhaps I'll call it even."[/b] Harald's gaze moved towards Sigrid at her outburst and an amused grin spread across his face, revealing odd and misshapen teeth that were eerily clean despite their deformation. He had assumed the woman to be the brains of the couple but she had revealed a surprisingly obvious weakness; at least obvious to a lifelong misogynist such as Harald. [b]"Call it even, Ragnar? I still see no real reason to grant you anything in return for compensation I do not recognise as valid."[/b] He could see the anger build up the big man and both sides braced for an imminent fight. The small, cruel dwarf of a man waited until he felt the precipice of a blood bath's beginning and spoke up again; making many men gasp for breath they didn't realise they were holding. [b]"Still, I happen to have two troublesome slaves who have no concept of their station and I would be glad to be rid of them. I believe that they are in there; the giant Saxon and the Pict thief. Take them in payment for your perceived insult and to wipe clean the slate of my men's stupidity."[/b] Here he nodded pointedly at the decapitated corpse of the young boy still lying in the mud. [b]"As our feud has been buried. I do not expect any of your men, slaves or family near my longhouse. If I do you'll find their corpses nailed to your door in the morning."[/b] With that final threat he span on his heel and walked away with his men forming up around him; leaving the body of their former brother in arms to rot. From inside the healing house Wilfred appeared, ducking under the low entrance and emerging into the rain. He had heard enough of the confrontation to understand the change in his fortunes, although hitherto the Ragnarsson's attitude towards Christians had not been particularly inspiring. Seeing the body of the young lad on the ground his lips twisted in distaste; execution had never been appealing to him, not without a legitimate trial in any case. [b]"With permission I would cremate the body. I understand that by your faith he has no entrance to Paradise now but a corpse will breed disease and honouring the dead, no matter the manner of their death, will do no damage to your reputation... master."[/b] The final word was spoken grudgingly but spoken nevertheless; he had made a point of never addressing Harald as such. It was certainly in Wilfred's best interests to serve his new masters well, from what he had seen they recognised worth and gave respect where it was due; even if they were pagans. Sigrid shut her mouth, gritting her teeth, her hands clenched at her sides. How she loathed the [i]nithingr[/i] and wished nothing more than her husband lop off his ugly head but it was not the right time. She had said too much, she had let her temper get the best of her and her face burned with anger and shame. Ragnar would be angry at her but she was overwrought with emotion. From Tora's abuse to the attack on her children, she was wound tight. Ragnar kept his hand on his sword, [b]"You see no reason? You damage another man's property, you cannot control your rabble who attack children and yet you see no reason for compensation?"[/b] His big hand flexed on the grip of [i]Hausstaka[/i] and spit down at Harald's feet. Ivarr and Haakon both tensed, their eyes focused on the men around Harald and they readied themselves for combat. When he offered the slaves he recalled what the big Saxon thrall had said and decided to take Harald on his offer. Coin had little use as they were trapped in the fort for the winter but two more men who could handle a weapon, albeit Christian slaves, were more valuable. At this point, Ragnar would be pushed to take any help he could get with Harald's superior numbers. The Dane stared down at Harald, his blue eyes dark in the dim light, [b]"Two injured slaves for the price of one? You are too generous, False Thegn."[/b] He snorted with derision at the man's presumed title he had not earned from Jarl Helge as Ragnar had. He was a pompous upstart but a dangerous one too, he recognized the cunning in Harald's dark eyes as the man played his superior numbers against Ragnar's proper authority. It galled him to have to hold his rage in check, to not take his skull for a mead cup. [b]"Your men stay away from any who call me their thegn,"[/b] Ragnar said, [b]"If I catch any of them around family I will give them the blood eagle."[/b] He glared at Harald's back as the man left, noting the movement in the shadows of his archers. When Wilfred emerged he turned his head slightly and heard the slave speak, [b]"Do what you wish with the body, I care not."[/b] Haakon watched the dark anger on Ragnar's weathered features and he felt it himself. Their most deadly enemy was not only outside in the mindless horde of draugr but in the wicked cruelty of Harald. The younger warrior had no lack of blood on his hands but not from children. He glanced at Ivarr, his youthful face serious for once as they watched the men retreat back with their leader. Haakon breathed out, [b]"Get some torches, Ivarr, we don't want them sneaking back in the dark."[/b] Ivarr went inside to fetch fire from the hearth, he saw the children waiting with the monk and he flashed them a dimpled smile, [b]"Your Fadir chased him off, don't you worry, little ones."[/b] --------- Loker walked with determination, his mind going over what he might find and his ears listening for the distinct sound of battle in the silent fort. As they rounded the bend, he saw what looked like a raid party ahead. Men with axes and bows and Harald right in the middle of them. He drew his sword, a sign of his temporary authority in place of the Jarl. [b]"Halt, Harald,"[/b] he said, his voice booming in the dark, [b]"What is going on? I've heard much about your doings this evening."[/b] The Jarl's men numbered over a dozen, stalwart veterans who defended the fort rather than go out on raids. They made a decent showing, dressed in better armor and with better weapons than many of Harald's warriors. Faolan watched, ignored as usual, and he slowly let the bow slide from his back down his arm until he gripped it, the arrows tucked into his belt. Just in case. Loker stepped forward, squinting in the dim light, [b]"I hope you are going back to your home, we have had a long day. Some of us longer than others."[/b] He threw out the barb, knowing how Harald had not sent but a token man and two slaves to aid the supply run. Perhaps if he had sent more then Bjorn might not have disappeared.   Wilfred nodded and slowly knelt in the mud to slid his huge arms under the boy's headless corpse before lifting it as if it weighed the same as mere child; although he muffled a grunt as the wounds on his back threatened to reopen so soon after being bound. First he wrapped the boy's corpse in a damp and mouldy sail cloth; no longer fit for its intended use nor even as a blanket to warm the cold. The rain showed no sign of stopping so a cremation was no longer feasible. Instead Wilfred found a shovel left carelessly out in the elements near the palisade and set to digging a grave. He had left the head for his new master to find a use for; no matter what culture, displaying the head of an enemy on a pike sent a clear message to everyone.   Harald looked up from his own dark thoughts as he heard the booming voice of the Jarl's hound ordering him to stop. Rather than obeying he let his men continue on for a bit before calling a halt, as if in surprise. [b]"Loker, why do you stop my evening stroll?"[/b] He demanded, ignoring the obvious knowledge of his activities the older warrior had. [b]"I was merely returning to my own home after restoring the peace; something that the Jarl should be doing, or at least his stand-in."[/b] His eyes flashed dangerously at his implied cowardice but instead he spread his arms in a helpless gesture. [b]"I was charged with defending those here since I have the largest following, that and I have the ability to count to a higher number than my fingers and toes allow; a rare skill here which I have employed to ensure we have supplies enough for a harsh winter."[/b] He nodded to his men and they began to carry on with Harald striding along in their midst. [b]"Get some rest, old watchdog. Tomorrow may be an... eventful day for us all."[/b] Loker watched him narrowly, he did not believe for one moment Bjorn had left that trollspawn in charge of anything. But it was the nature of the Dane to take what he wanted and strength often prevailed over right. His men fanned out, making sure all of Harald's warriors left with him and did not try to double back for treachery. When they had disappeared, Loker followed Faolan to where Ragnar and the small knot of people stood. The torches were lit and everything was touched with orange light, he could see the strain and wear on their faces, reflecting his own. [b]"Thegn Ragnarsson,"[/b] Loker greeted the big viking, as he sheathed his sword. [b]"I caught Harald leaving, I hope what trouble you've had is settled."[/b] Ragnar crossed his arms across his broadchest, his long braided beard resting on them, [b]"For tonight, perhaps. It is far from over, though. He has too itchy a palm, that one. He's close to crossing the line and when he does, it'll be the island walk for us."[/b] He looked pointedly at the housekarl. They had known each other for many years, even raided together when they were youths before Loker decided to become the Jarl's man. The housekarl nodded slowly, [b]"I know. Perhaps that will be for the best, I cannot see how he could stand against you in a duel. Though knowing him, he'll have a string of champions to throw at you first."[/b] Ragnar grunted and waved Loker over, stepping away from the people in front of the healing house and they spoke in private. Sigrid watched, wanting to hear but she stayed put, she had made enough of a mistake earlier without adding to it. [b]"What of the search party, Loker?"[/b] he asked when they were out of earshot. [b]"Nothing,"[/b] he sighed, rubbing his thick red beard, [b]"I can only hope Odin watches out for Bjorn, the young man is smart and capable but...the weather is now cold and foul, and those things...those draugr. They are as relentless as winter."[/b] Ragnar watched the housekarl, his blue eyes keen, [b]"If they are not back by tomorrow, what then? Who will sit in the hall?"[/b] Loker took a breath and watched as it curled into feathers of steam as he exhaled, [b]"Harald made a comment, about tomorrow being an eventful day."[/b] [b]"He is probably right,"[/b] Ragnar replied, his mind wandering to the time aboard the ship, when the man bitten by the saint died. And then did something incredible, he came back, but changed, possessed by some evil spirit. He recalled the vote to keep him bound and take him to a seidrkona. They should have just drown him. The man had become like a [i]berserkr[/i], mindless in his thirst for blood. Somehow it had spread and he was not sure what would happen to the men injured, they had not stayed long enough to find out when their own farm was attacked. They had left behind the slaves and men too hurt to run, they would have slowed them down. Ragnar shook off the memories and continued, [b]"He wants the Jarl's chair but he is not fit for it, Loker."[/b] Loker looked at him sidelong, [b]"And you are, Ragnar?"[/b] [b]"Of course I am, who else among us could be? Or did you think to take it for yourself?"[/b] he asked, curious if the housekarl was suddenly ambitious. [b]"Not me, of course not,"[/b] the housekarl said, [b]"I hold it for Jarl Bjorn Helgesson. As I am sworn to."[/b] Ragnar smiled a little, [b]"Good old Loker, always loyal. If the Jarl is not back tomorrow, you may be forced to take sides. Who do you chose? That false thegn, the lying [i]nithskald[/i] with no honor?"[/b] Loker paused, he was being put on the spot he did not want to be on. He would be betraying his Jarl if he chose before the confirmation of his death but he did not want to make an enemy of Ragnar. They had known each other too long and if Helge would have been the one to choose, he knew he would have picked Ragnar as well. [b]"Only when I have proof that Bjorn is dead, then I will publicly support you, Ragnarsson,"[/b] he said quietly. [b]"Until then, keep away from Harald, stay at your home and gather your strength."[/b]