That night, by usual schedule and bodily activity of Liam, he was suppose to sleep his ten minutes before his rage continued, is only nap every week, and the employees had it down by the day and time. Is body was still fighting against the iron maiden, continuously getting stabbed by the sharp steel thorns inside. Being in the state that he is in, most of his touch sensory is gone, but if he could feel, the floor would be like ice, a cold concrete surface freezing his feet where most of his bodily warmth is escaping. The iron maiden would also be cold, its dark greyish color glimmering slightly with the small light that's been dimmed due to the hour of the night. The boy could feel the pulse of his demonic heart, pushing the blood through his injured body. His body was slowing down, in movement and anger, his eyes closing slowly but his arms still fighting against the contrapment and chains. His voice becoming quieter and his actions becoming still. He finally drifted into a sleep like rest, the chains fell limp and his muscles relaxed, becoming still and only his smoke like breath escaping his lips was the movement in the room. That is until the two guards showed up, they knew the exact time he would pass out and rest the demon inside of the boy. They opened the door and turned on the light to its brightest level. They smirked at each other, each holding a steel pole about a yard in length, "No ones around and he deserves it for putting us through all this trouble," one says to the other. "He get's this punishment every week, we won't let him rest, he doesn't deserve it." "Hell he doesn't even deserve to exist," the two spoke back and forth to each other. "Well lets get on with it before his ten minutes are up." Liam was resting well, recovering as quickly as his body could before jumping into rage again, a rage fueled by anger, pain, and hate. But before any real progress, a sharp strong pain slammed into both his thighs, His eyes opened in anger with the intent to kill while the chains instantly became tight as they were stretched as much as they could go while the demon tried to break free and attack. The two guards laughed and smiled as they swung their poles as hard as they could into the 'patients' thighs, shattering his femurs and keeping him from ever being able to walk, if he even had the chance to escape. His screams echoed throughout the halls of the building, his strength growing ever slightly and fighting against the chains more and more, but sadly getting nowhere. He took the beating for few minutes before the door flung open and two people attacked and killed the guards. Liam, filled with anger, looked at the orange haired one first and immediately had the intent to kill him, but as his head turned and his eyes met with the girl. He froze, he remembered her from earlier, the same calm feeling came over him, his body still and his mind running aimlessly through memories but couldn't find anything. But for some reason he felt like he should know her, that she was important. He stared at her with empty eyes still filled with a murderous anger, before looking down at the floor, not knowing what todo anymore. His chin lifted up once the girl started speaking to him, she spoke in english and stared right at him, deep into his eyes targeting any soul of Liam that was still in there. He could do nothing but look blankly back at her. Like a puppet with no strings, he had lost control of his body and could no longer fight to escape. She cut his chains and the bolts to the iron maiden, his body landed on his heels and his arms fell from his back. His body relaxed even more and he stared at his hands as black claws were where his nails used to be, his hands, arms covered in his blood, so old its a maroon like color. Staining his skin and the inside of the iron that now lays before him on the floor. His eyes still empty and he couldn't comprehend what had happened. He couldn't stop staring at his hands, having not seen them for three years. He looked at the bruises on his legs and felt the pulsing pain from the guards attacks. After a short silence he was lifted off the ground and carried out of his cell, the two were working hard to escort and transport the heavy body. Weighing more than they remember, the escape wasn't as easy as they thought. Liam still could not think or even act, his mind lost in a trance of confusion. He has never felt free like he does now but he can't move, he lost his strings. Once they arrived in the car there was not much left to the plan but to drive away. Liam looked over to the girl and the blank expression remained, though his eyes could not lose the appearance of bloodlust. After a couple minutes his body gave up on acting and even thinking, his eye lids hung low and he drifted into the sleep that he needed.