The pale woman stared up at the man she had just yelled at and gently took the offerred hand before standing up. "Thank you," She murmured softly, wading out of the water. She did toss her head back to the yell the woman had called out to her with, and spat in her direction. She turned back to the man that had been shoved into the water with her. "I apologize... for my abruptness. I have had a harsh few days." When the chocobo came to her and trilled proudly to show her its prize, she looked at it sternly. "Abra... that was rude what you did. Apologize." The big black chocobo, apparently named Abra, held its head up in visible surprise and sheepishly bowed its head to the pale haired blitzball star, as though it really were apologizing. He made a sad, low trill before nudging the ball back to Gippals feet.