[b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Robert Hawke

[b]Character Name:[/b] Hawke

[b]Age:[/b] 28

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

Stands at about 6ft2. Sturdy athletic build. Has a faint five o’clock shadow. 

[b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Yes

Hawke veers towards stoicism, but his emotional side can show when he loses friends or feels that he is unable to help. He is slow to trust but once someone has earned his friendship they will find that he is furiously loyal. He is prone to getting some mild blood lust whilst in combat, but not [i]often[/i] to the point where he loses control or endangers others. He never backs down from a fight. 

[b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] 
Hawke worked as a security guard aboard various freighters. He would spend his free time doing one of three things: sleeping, drinking or gaming. His family weren’t a massive part of his life due simply because his job kept him far away from home. Two of his oldest friends, ‘Aang’ and ‘Maric the Red’ joined SAO with him and together than founded the guild known as “The Braziers”.

[b]Game Background:[/b] 
Very shortly after players were told about the nature of the game, Hawke, like many beta-testers, went off ahead to try an gain an advantage. This wasn’t out of complete selfishness however, and he took his (non-beta) friends with him. The Braziers were one of the first guilds founded on the server and they pledged to do all they could to help clear the game. In the following six-months rumours have started to spread that Hawke is somehow connected to the Nightshades. This rumour has perhaps grown significantly as recently Hawke emerged as the sole-survivor of his guild under unusual circumstances. The death of his guild, regardless of circumstance, is not something he is taking well although he does incredibly well to hide it. 

[b]3 Main Skills:[/b] 
[*]Two-handed Assault Spear[/*]
[*]Light Metal Equipment[/*]

[b]Special skill?:[/b] His spear grants him the ‘Berserker’ skill. This is a skill which he tends to keep a secret and not use.

[b]Other skills:[/b]

[b]Current Weapon:[/b][url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b287/michaelrayholt/SkyPiercer.jpg]Beserker’s Blood Spear[/url]

[b]Current Armour:[/b] [url=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/138/a/d/finished_by_jasson78.jpg]Standard light armour worn by Braziers[/url]

[b]Play style (Optional):[/b] Aggressive damage dealer