While Araki was sorely tempted to sigh once he felt Gael’s hand grip his shoulder, he held his discontent back. Once the adult was busy dealing with the other children though, Araki muttered a few choice phrases before simply resorting to grumbling, obviously displeased. Just because he had a letter to write though didn’t mean he was free from attending his classes though, Gael saw to that much and called for Araki to follow the others back into the school. He did so, but reluctantly as he cast the rooftops one last glance before he trudged back through the doors. --- At the very least, the letter proved to be a distraction for what was a relatively dull day. While the teachers taught various lessons about a varied number of subjects, Araki didn’t feel enthusiastic about a great many. If there was someone who cared about the history of Dansila, even in the short snippets used by the teacher, it certainly wasn’t Araki, or at least not him at this point in time. Instead, he busied himself by staring at the blank piece of paper in one hand while trying not to crush the fragile pencil in his other. Well, blank wasn’t entirely correct, he had managed to jot down both his and Gael’s name in the appropriate areas of the page with some manner of legibility. He didn’t get any further than a few rather messy sentences before any sense of creativity died. Slumping a bit, Araki admitted, to himself at the least, that he wasn’t the most experienced person in apologies. The number of times he had to make one could probably be counted on a single hand after all. So if he didn’t know how to write one… then the logical thing to do was to find someone who did, and Gael had dropped a rather useful, if not unexpected, piece of information. Though how would he get the other child’s help? It turned to be rather easy. He hadn’t even needed to say anything as approached Gil’s desk to get the golden-haired child’s attention. Instead the so-called “king” simply turned his head to face Araki, and raised a brow - asking what the hybrid wanted. In wordless reply, Araki raised the piece of paper and Gil’s brow only climbed higher. [b]“I suppose this morning’s show deserves something,”[/b] he finally remarked after a few moments. [b]“Take a seat,”[/b] he ordered and Araki complied. [b]“Write quickly, I don’t repeat myself,”[/b] he warned before he quickly recited a fairly long apology in monotone. Araki scrambled to scratch down every word, making his writing nearly illegible, but managed to get everything down when Gil finally stopped. For all that Gil had done, the imperious smirk on his expression was rather irritating. Ignoring it, Araki bowed a bit and said, [b]“Thank you.”[/b] Evidently that was enough to satisfy the miniture “king” and he was allowed to go find Gael without another remark. He did give the letter a quick scan over just to make sure the egotistic child hadn’t filled it with nonsense as a punishment for daring to ask something like this from him. Thankfully, it seemed like it was an actual apology letter, albeit a rather insincere one; Araki couldn’t really tell. Inspite of that, he took mental notes for future reference before he arrived outside Gael’s office. --- Well, if Gael’s expression was anything to go off of, the man wasn’t too impressed with the letter that obviously wasn’t Araki’s work. He set the letter down and sighed before looking at Araki. [b]“Putting aside your own writing, Gil did this for you didn’t he.”[/b] He thought briefly about lying, but thought better of it rather quickly; Gael obviously already knew, so he just nodded instead. The man sighed again and just shook his head before looking at the odd student. [b]“While I’m glad you two are on such good terms already, I do expect you to do your own work.”[/b] Before Araki could protest, Gael had already raised a hand for him to stop and listen. [b]“Leaving this incident aside, I expect nothing like this to happen again, and for work to be done if it’s given, alright?”[/b] [b]“Okay,”[/b] Araki muttered out half-heartedly as he stood from his seat and left the office, perhaps a bit quicker than he needed to. As he walked through the hallways for the front door, he wondered exactly why he was here again. Yesterday he had been swept up in Dean Courtright’s pace, his eccentric nature hard to refuse. Today he had come back simply out of an obligation to the old man, but as he stepped out into the sunlight he wondered why he should return tomorrow. Unsurprisingly, he couldn’t think of one . Frankly now that he thought upon it there wasn’t much of a reason for him to remain in Dansila. Esace had brought him here, and he couldn’t recall seeing the man ever since. The chance to be somewhere else other than Talze Utera was great, but the city was also confining and oppressive in a way. He sighed as the stones shifted beneath his feet as he jumped to the rooftops; they let him run freely in a manner similar to the forests. There would a bit of thinking ahead for him.