[b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Kagami Hikaru

[b]Character Name:[/b] Ann-Biru

[b]Age:[/b] 21

[b]Gender:[/b] Female 


[b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] No

[b]Personality:[/b] A bit arrogant and loud, Ann is someone who always pushes herself to be the best at what she does and also pushes others to do the same and, while she can be quite arrogant and confident, it is undeniable the fact that she doesn't like having the spotlight taken away from her, mainly, because she feels lonely. While she encourages others to do their best, it can go either way, as she usually confronts by slapping them with a handful of harsh reality. Ann believes that you cannot advance unless you confront yourself, after all. 

Teasing and yet kind, she is quite popular around the floor she is stationed in, given that she runs an inn and blacksmith. She likes giving advice to others in problems and also has an incredibly high moral compass and will not allow anything wrong to get past her, but even so, she is fairly weak in the game, so she uses money and mercenaries to get rid of anything shady. First and foremost, she is a part of the productive side of the players of the Second Server, and so she acts her part. She sells rookie gear and necessary products fairly cheap, but she sells rare and legendary equipment she might create at a higher price than normal, adding effects to them you wouldn't be able to find elsewhere, she needs to make a profit of things, after all.

She can also be pretty aggressive at times, and will answer with a mace to the face should you piss her off in any way, and her fuse is fairly short. Also, don't ask about the eye patch, her short fuse will be even shorter if you ask about it. Ann also often proclaims how she is the world's best blacksmith.

[b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] Hikaru was a college student when she bought SAO. While she wasn't very much into games at the time, her best friend in the Videogame Club of her school, and she was fairly interested on SAO as soon as she heard of it. Hikaru was infected by her friend's enthusiasm, but, unlike her, she didn't have as much money as to buy the Nervegear and SAO at the same time. She bought a pirated copy and went inside, however, it wasn't until later that she learnt that she wasn't even in the same server as her best friend. 

[B]Game Background:[/B] Ann would have gone crazy hadn't it been for the people who were in despair unlike her. She felt it was her position to help them, and so she did. Using the others as her emotional anchor, she was able to push through all the levels and was able to even get strong enough to farm money. Once she had enough money, she settled down in Floor 30th. There, she owns an inn, a store and a blacksmith shop, following into the steps of her father in real life. She usually helps the frontline with weapons and whatnot, giving away crystals and potions in exchange of any kind of rare material the boss drops that can be used when making weapons or armor. Given her store, she makes a real profit and helps others in lower levels as well. 

[b]3 Main Skills:[/b] 

[B]Two Handed Assault Spear[/B]

[B]Light Metal Equipment[/B]

[B]Thrust Weapon Forging[/B]

[B]Light Metal Armor Forging[/B]

[b]Special Skill:[/b] Nein!
[b]Other Skills:[/b]

[B]Metal Refining[/B]

[B]Equipment Appraisal[/B]

[B]Tool Appraisal[/B]

[B]Slash Weapon Forging[/B]

[b]Current Weapon:[/b] 

[url=http://imageshack.com/i/5m43bk488j]Dazzling Spear[/url]

Made by Ann

[b]Current Armour:[/b] 

[url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/326/b/1/tenryuu_kantai_collection_by_ziri1598-d6v7etg.png]Custom Made Armour[/url] 

An armor made by Ann herself, while it doesn't have any kind of remarkable status effect, it does have a high defense stat, different to what one would think with a simple glance.

[B]Current Tools:[/B]

[B]Hammer Of Major Forging[/B]

[B]High Level Forge[/B]


(All of the above are high level for the floor the frontline is at right now.)

[b]Play Style (Optional):[/b] A mid-ranger, when she fights (which is a rare occurrence) she always keeps her distance and attacks from afar, always trying to minimize the damage made to her. She also acts as a healer for the party she is in by throwing the potions to the others.