Shiva kept up her suppressing fire for as long as it took for the gunship to fly by. The glowing torpedo flying past was her signal to take cover before everything was either bright blue or shadowy black for a silent second. After that, the radio came through confirming the success of the sweep. "Oh, thank Shen!" Shiva said without any irony in her voice. She was still breathing heavily and less than comfortable with floating on an unsecured chunk of metal. Even with Rareth around for telekinesis. As the ship came by, Shiva reached for it very cautiously, almost tearing her arm off as she forgot to disengage her magnetised boots after getting a secure grip. Once she found handholds, she slammed her boots against the hull and re-engaged them. Only then did she exhale steadily. Now all that was left was for Rareth and the others to secure themselves. Shiva held out a hand for any who needed it. "Come on! let's go before I throw up in my helmet!" Shiva said frantically.