Nyima watched the two boys as they played the game. She looked at Rayn as he seemed to stare down Matsen, tossing the ball from hand to hand. She leaned against the counter when he prepared to toss the ball. She didn't expect much from either of them as she knew the bottles were most likely weighted in someway to prevent them from being knocked down. She didn't like this game because of it. She knew most of them were rigged in some way or another but this one seemed to be the most unfair in her opinion. She watched as Rayn tossed the ball and it knocked down one of the pyramids. He threw another knocking down another pyramid. Her eyes widened when he finished all of the piles knocked down. She glanced at Rayn, absolutely amazed. She laughed a little when he told her to pick a stuff animal. The man behind the counter pointed at the stuffed animals she could choose between. She pointed at a Koala-seal and he took it down for her. She took it from him and smiled, "It's soft." She hugged it along with the few other stuffed animals that she had won herself. She looked at the two men, one far more displeased with the goings on, "Any other ideas about what to do from here?"