Shuo breathed heavily as the ship flew silently through space. The shear silence really bothered him which caused him to toggle on his helmets attempt at making sound in space a thing. It played audio files to the best of it's ability for things it knew about. The gunship was easy and even his weapon could easily have sound played for them. Though if he got into a firefight it would not work as he would either have to know that something is happening or physically be able to see it. He had it off most of the time as friendly chatter was enough to keep him sane. Though the ride was quiet as the squad road back in silence. He toggled on what fleet chatter he was authorized for and listened to progress reports from Sovereign soldiers that were currently clearing the station. He heard weapons fire in the background of several of them but it was quickly snuffed out. It seems the fleet had done it's job to great affect and killed most of the rebels with their salvos. Shuo toggled off the fleet reporting as they approached the hanger the hummingbird was docked in. As they pulled next to the hummingbird and people began deboarding Shuo made sure he was the last one off. Just before he deactivated his boots he banged on the hull twice. He felt a prompt single hit back through his feet. This gave him a smile as he kicked off the side of the gunship towards the hanger. "We're all clear Aereo, thanks for the lift. Happy hunting." Shuo said as he was then greeted by a few seconds of clicking. "Oh I will, Aereo returning to station." The female said over the comms. The ship then promptly fired a dorsal thruster and then accelerated away. Shuo grabbed onto the top of the hanger and then angled himself down and pushed off the ceiling. He made sure to start a rotation too so when he hit the ground he activated his boots with a satisfying bzzzt. Shuo kept his weapon in hand as he walked back over to the hummingbirds entrance. Shuo keyed his comms. "We'll do a damage assesment on the ship. I'm sure fleetcom would like to talk to us before we head back to PAX."