![Appearance](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/272/a/b/some_anime_guy_on_his_ipod_by_taylor360-d6ohs7b.jpg "enter image title here") **Name-** Zaen Henko **Age-** 16 **Gender-** Male **Personality-** Zaen is rather secluded when he wants to be, which is quite often, so he only rarely ever makes _good_ friends. He loves Music and anything about it, most of the time being seen with headphones in his ears listening to music. He's very smart and the only athleticism he has is how fast he can run. He likes spending his time doing nothing but sitting down and listening/playing/making music, whichever he's in the mood for. **Talent-** _Instrumental Talent_: Zaen is extremely gifted with instruments, and he can play most instruments and can read music with ease, making little to no mistakes. He's also able to make music himself, and can slightly tell what kind of music someone will like. **Ability-** _Siren_: Using his ability, it allows him to make special music and summon instruments. The musical pieces he can make all do different special things, but to work he needs a few seconds to make the music, the music must be in some way music that a person would like to work. After making a special piece of music, it would only be able to be used within a near time, and could only be used once. **Bio-** From a very young age Zaen had discovered his instrumental gifts, and due to this he was able to enhance said talent, being able to play most instruments and play most music by the time he starting schooling. His parents supporting this talent of his incredibly, spending money on instruments and tutors quite often. His school that he attended was a mostly musically-focused school, where they taught students how to play, put them in a band equal to their level and let them perform in local concerts, the higher bands competing in competitions. He was put in one of the highest level bands when he was 10, the age limit to when you are put in your respective band level. He went out on competitions and easily got sweet victory. By the time he was 12 he was in the highest level band and was at the top of it, sometimes even playing better than the band director. Although he got all this attention between his fellow band-mates, he rather disliked all the attention, and would've rather just stayed secluded. Nevertheless, he was suggested to make his own Music. He decided that he would, and he began making his own pieces of music, and the band director would sometimes let the band play some of these pieces. He eventually ended up leaving the band, mostly due to the unwanted attention he got. He spent most of his time after that being secluded away from most other people, except when his friends invited him to something or he had to be at school. During his seclusion he spent most of his time listening, playing, and making music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here he is!