"With our success, I would say _first_ mission is quite accurate. We have proved our team is effective, so barring any political issues, I would guess this will not be our last time working together." Rareth reasoned. It could be that their team could be divided if the Assembly decided to expand the program, especially if politicians were in charge of structuring it. However, if given intelligent leadership, there was a good chance their team would stay together. Rareth was not greatly concerned about her health, but she had no intention to accept unnecessary risk. Looking over to Shuo, she gave him a slight nod. "Shuo, can I trust you do handle the debriefing with the Captain? I need to head straight to the infirmary. You can join me there, Shiva. It would be appreciated. I will write my report when I am able." She explained. "Also, after all of our remaining duties for the day are complete, I would like you all to meet me in my quarters. I have something important I would like to speak to you all about."