Ruby entered the Cafeteria with Moon on her shoulder and looked around. ''can you choose a nice table?'' she asked and Moon nodded, she flew of and landed next to Rox. ''Hey, is there a place free for us ?'' she asked William and looked at him. Ruby saw it and was shocked a little that Moon did do that. She got something to eat for herself and the dragon and went to Moon. ''I.. I am sorry William...'' she said and looked at Moon. ''She normally doesn't do this..'' she said and walked to a table, still nearby but before sitting down, she turned around and looked at him. ''That violin play was great to hear... I really loved that'' she said. Andromeda was still in the library and heard new people entering, together with aslan she walked over to them and smiled. ''Hey, can I help you find a book?'' she asked with a smile and looked at the book that Ceveo was reading. ''oh wow.. Can you read that? I am really wondering what secrets are inside there.. My mother has the Nature Element too... and Bambi, her pet, is really a cutie.. a silver deer. One of the last ones'' she said with a smile. ''I have my fathers element.. Fire, it is a nice element but I would love the secrets about nature'' she said with a smile and then looked at Allie. ''You are the water girl..'' she said. ''sorry... I do not know every name but I mostly do know your element, I got the idea of carving the element signs inside the doors of your room'' she said with a giggle.