"Yes, Rareth," Shiva responded, seating herself in the Hummingbird and coming down from the mission's excitement. Everyone was patting each other on the back for a mission well done. Shiva had to agree, despite the things that happened that she could not have foreseen. Most of all, though, even if others in the team were more experienced or well trained combatants, the appreciation she got for helping was a new experience. It made her feel warm to hear it, but she didn't really know how to react except to look at the floor with a small smile, or the masulu equivalent. Without another word, Shiva inspected her weapon on the way back. She had hardly noticed, but the battery was almost flat. There were a lot of engagements, more than she was used to. Not working with a large force made sure that she used plenty of shots, it seemed. She slid out a compartment on the side of her weapon and a hiss sounded as the battery case was exposed to the cooler air inside the ship. There was a spare battery for her weapon on the ship that she promptly replaced into it, but she made a note to carry around a spare in their next operation.