![Poppy O'Conner](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d3/17/f2/d317f2f52e3dd1a3c75f3ec530912fe5.jpg "Poppy O'Conner") **Name:** Poppy O’Conner **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due. **Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts. **Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die. **Bio:** Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother. It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.” One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant. After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.” Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such)