- **Appearance:** Can be found [here](http://i10.topit.me/l156/1015680509d1088c9c.jpg). - **Name:** Henry Eridium - **Age:** 16 - **Gender:** Male. - **Sexuality:** Bisexual. - **Magic Type:** Nature. - **Other:** Extremely affable and cavalier, but can be selfish and uncaring. Likes aromatherapy. Is a Gemini. - **Appearance:** Can be found [here](http://www.jeremynoeljohnson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/unicorn.jpg). - **Pet's Name:** Ranger - **Species:** Unicorn - **Age:** 1, 147 - **Gender:** Male - **Other:** Sarcastic and stingy, also a little timid. Does not like to be seen. Very overprotective. - - - - **Appearance:** Can be found [here](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-xFvZiOiUicM/VJ5DGDJtp0I/AAAAAAAAOfY/eisYgtUeaZ4/w430-h565/IMG_0685.JPG). - **Name:** Fox Sachiel - **Age:** 19 - **Gender:** Male - **Sexuality:** Undecided, doesn't really care. - **Magic Type:** Ice/Snow. - **Other:** Cold and uncaring, critical and does not like people. Afraid of fire. Is a Capricorn. - **Appearance:** Can be found [here](http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33700000/White-Wolf-wolves-33748411-737-552.jpg). - **Pet's Name:** Luna - **Species:** Arctic Wolf - **Age:** 7 - **Gender:** Female - **Other:** Insincere, playful and childish. Loves to chase smaller animals, especially cats.