**Name:** Hide Fuchs

Picture/Description: **[Hide](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/59/41/4e59414c008cc4cc3204b9b0c7d7f0fe.jpg) stands at roughly six foot nine, though it is difficult to tell unless he stands up straight. He often slouches or keeps his head lowered, he does things to always make himself appear smaller than he actually is. 

**Age:** 17

**Gender:** Male

**Personality:** Calm and adaptable, Hide is easy to make friends of various kinds, be they loud and aggressive or quiet and shy. He goes with the flow of things, knowing very well when to be silent or when to be a chatterbox, or even a shoulder to cry on. He doesn't like to make people uncomfortable, preferring to be the uncomfortable one himself. Though most often he is rather relaxed in all kinds of environments, enough to the point that he can easily begin to daydream. His focus is not easy to obtain once he starts to daydream, and he can actually become somewhat irritated if interrupted. Though his irritation only last a short few moments, if even that. If anything, he is more likely momentarily burst into tears over it.

In truth, Hide holds himself back a lot, be it emotions or otherwise. With rather low self-confidence, he doesn't often speak up for himself and is easily pushed/dragged along into things he doesn't really want to be involved in. It is rare for him to actually voice his opinion unless asked directly, though it does happen if something catches his attention that he feels needs to be addressed.

**Talent:** _Heightened Empathy._ Since he was young, Hide always had a knack for reading the mood and understood how others were feeling, maybe a bit more-so than others. Though because of his lack of assertiveness, people most often just think of him as an overly passive fellow that cries a bit too easily. 

**Ability:**_ Doppelgangers_; All of Hides repressed emotions manifest themselves into entirely separate beings from himself. They all take the appearance of Hide, be it the current version or younger variations of himself. Each emotion has its own personality with one dominant emotion-based trait, leaving Hide to have little to no control over them. Though most often they will listen to Hide and regard him in the highest esteem, or well, most of them do anyway. They can follow instructions and orders rather well, most often much more capable than their creator. 

No one is quite sure what they are made of, as they are solid, physical beings that can talk and do harm and the alike. But if they are destroyed _(I.E; killed/wounded)_, they either regenerate or merely reform entirely in a matter of seconds. The stronger the emotion, the more powerful the doppelganger. Most often he can only have one or two out at a time. They can appear even when he is not trying to actively use his ability, in times of great distress and anxiety.

Though when summoned against Hide's will, the doppelganger has a highly reduced effect, being nothing more than a mere shadowy ghost-like image. It cannot cause any harm or trouble and most often can only speak in whispers. 

**Bio:** Hide grew up in a large, 15 person household. The household consisted of both of his parents, grandparents, uncle and aunt, their children, and his five siblings. As the second youngest and most docile one within the home, Hide was often made to be the one in trouble for most pranks or mistakes made in all of their daily lives, even if he did not have anything to do with it. He did not fight back against any of the accusations or anything of the alike, he merely bowed his head and accepted whatever punishment he got. 

Around the time he turned nine, Hide had the option to move out of his families home with his eldest brother and his wife. He took the offer gladly and moved rather far away from his entire home, into a much more calm and nurturing environment. It was here that it was discovered that he was naturally receptive to the emotions of those around him, almost alarmingly so. His brothers wife took it upon herself to help Hide become less docile and help deal with the emotions he gathered from others, and for the most part it worked out rather well, aside from the fact that he never really got angry, even when pushed far past his limit. 

By the time he was twelve, he had become a mostly normal kid besides his lacking self-esteem. 

**Other:** [x]