Woops, sorry for being unable to answer, my older brother was hogging the laptop xD Anyway: > Just a few questions before I can make an IC post, > > - How long have they been at the school, or are they new? > > - What're the actual rules of the school? For older characters, they could have been there since last year, or, if you wish, they could be new to the school since they just turned Highschool. As for rules, standard academic ones apply, with a few added ones: - Curfew is at 6 pm, lights out by 7 unless excused, lights out period by 10. - School is a boarding school, going home is allowed only in case of emergencies or on weekends. Visits are permitted only in case of emergencies or holidays. - No going to the old school buildings, period. Those are the rules for the school. Now for the unofficial rules of the _students_: - No using abilities in front of the teachers or during day time - No property damage unless it can be repaired in an hour - No picking a fight with a Ruler (unless: a. You're aiming to take their place or b. You are suicidal) There are actually more of these, however these three are the most important ones. > So, seeing as there are six characters, at least at a quick glance, you might not accepting anymore, but I am interested. Go on right ahead. I don't think I'll stop accepting unless we've got, like, waaay too many people here :P Anyway, to answer, a week has passed since the first day of school. Some of you may choose to play as returnees or freshmen. Up to you really.