Harold grinned at the dramatics of his new aquaintence: Tim, the fellow scholar. He then took to watching as Tim pointed out each thing he had waved to. (A grand institution most definitely, as well....wait, since when had that mass of people been there?....It's led by a tiny girl. A tactical retreat would be a sound move right about now....) He bowed theatrically with: "Ah, my fellow scholar, it is my humblest of pleasures to meet one so enlightened such as yourself! And I am Harold, and currently my grand travels have been but on Hold, for I am another who seeks greater knowledge from our new grandly academic institution. And this library you speak of *must* be a place where we should abscond to at some point." Harold upheld the dramatics that the duo had started into, finding it to be quite entertaining. "However, I must ask of thee, of when had such a group of conviction appeared? I had not noticed of it myself."