Harold faintly blushed at the mention of his intense passion. He forgot a lot of time just how much he loved technology, and usually went off on rants and the like when he gets into a conversation about it. "It is my pleasure to meet you as well Ms. Thisa Thompson. I understand your plight. Sometimes Harold is much to....cold for my usage of it. At such times, I merely go back to coding and programming, or login so as to escape from the formality." Harold extended his hand for a handshake with Thisa, and proceeded to introduce himself. "Ah, my apologizes, I forgot to follow a simple rule of social conventions. I am Harold, Harold Franfurt. And Tim here had just offered to show me around this school, as I have recently arrived. He was just talking to me about....this school and some of its policies and politics." Harold obviously stumbled for a moment there, forgetting what the two had been talking about before Thisa's intervention.