Saoji couldn't fall asleep. Instead, he kept looking at the ceiling; laying on his back on the bed. His room was rather clean for a fifteen year old. Nothing too shabby or anything, however. His family has always been the neat and orderly type. In fact, he despises any area that is too unclean. He can't help but think of the humiliation he has suffered, trying to show compassion for another individual; it actually made him look foolish. Is this how the world suppose to be? Are we suppose to be criticized and denounced just for wanting to be nice? Perhaps there was such thing as being a bit too nice. Maybe there are those who simply cannot handle seeing someone being overly nice to someone else. He took a deep sigh. While he could be using this time having lunch with lone, he finds that he is now hiding away from everyone who heard lone call him a "playboy." Now, he doesn't really feel any real need to venture outside. He definitely felt alone here. Simply put, no one shared the same humane ability as he does. That one thing that has been twisted and _Fine...I give up. _ he thought. If people were not meant to change and if no one ever learns...then what is the point of talking? and being the bigger person? Saoji began to think that perhaps there is no point. Perhaps he is just one in a million lives who was put here by his grand master from a different universe where he truly least...that is how he is feeling. He shook his head and turned over on his side, attempting to fall asleep once more.