When she disembarked the Hummingbird, Shiva was actually not quite sure whether she should have been following Shuo to put away her equipment or going straight to the infirmary to treat Rareth. It was not an emergency at this point, but even so, Shiva simply followed along silently. She felt somewhat out of place walking into an infirmary with a plasma assault weapon at the small of her back, but there were no protests that Rareth had trouble dealing with. "Right," Shiva responded to Rareth once she had been given a cot. Shiva started by unclipping and removing the sections of her suit that covered her arms from the elbow down and putting her helmet aside. While doing this, she began to speak to try and keep a familiarity to the situation. "So, normally I go into ops looking forward to it, because it's the point where most people leave me alone. Today, though, I think I was more worried than ever. It's the pressure, I don't think I've had anyone have this much confidence in me since I was younger," her tone quivered in a slight laugh at the end of her sentence, "I definitely didn't want to mess up." Shiva retrieved a syringe gun of local anaesthetic and pulled off the cap. She carefully injected it shallowly in various places on Rareth's chest in order to numb the pain of readjusting her ribs. "I think I was okay in the end, though. The mission was more hectic than I thought it would be, but it went well, like everyone said. I want to say thank you for trusting me. Not many people do." Once done administering the numbing substance, Shiva put the syringe gun down and hovered her hands over the affected parts of Rareth's ribcage, trying to update her previous assessment of the wound. She would be lying if she said that she was not tired from the mission, but taking the treatment at her own pace meant that it wouldn't be too strenuous. "You and Telmeck are close, aren't you?" Shiva asked casually, "Would you mind telling me some of your background together? It will help my nerves if we talk. I will tell you if you need to hold your breath."