Rareth shrugged her shoulders, though she quickly realized that it would probably be best to sit still. "Hmm, sure, why not? We've known each other for a little over a year. I was a part of a mission that could be seen as a sort of precursor to this joint operations group, actually. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how specific I can get with the details yet. With how new this organization we are a part of is, I'm not sure what is and isn't classified to everyone else. I'll tell you all about it later, if I can. What I can say, though, is that mission is where I met Telmeck." She said, pausing for a moment to go over in her mind what details were and were not public records. "At the time, he was Rothian military, one of the scouts on location. During the mission, he proved himself a cut above the rest of his team, so much so that I recommended him to elevation into the Rahn'Masser. As you can see, my recommendation was approved, and he is now an agent like myself." Once she had answered Shiva's question, Rareth decided to ask one of her own. "Say, how much do you know about the Rahn'Masser?"