Ru looked up as an elf leapt from somewhere to land on the great stone table above him. She was one he hadn't seen before YME's arrival. Apparently several mages had decided to hide themselves until they knew it was safe. The bandits, and then burning had made that decision rather irrelevant. Her voice was wonderful, high and musical, as she accused YME of bringing the bandits upon them. Ru had wondered how the bandits had managed to appear from nowhere with such good visibility around the town, but hadn't had time to consider it much in the heat of battle. Now, looking at it again, things would make a great deal more sense if YME had been involved somehow. His mind was not eased with how YME ignored this and *congratulated them* for the slaughter. Ru remembered dealings with less than reputable employers who, after doing whatever task they had requested, offered a blade to the gut rather than their promised silver. YME didn't seem like that kind of person, however Ru didn't trust him. He was mired in some plot, and a part of Ru was worried that this would end with the world in flames. Both his thoughts and YME's words were interrupted once more. This time however was much, much worse. *Paladins...* Ru thought, staring at the knights in shining armor. Eyes wide and face lacking slightly in color, he blurred himself and hid behind what remained of one of the houses, leaving a calm illusion in his place. He'd known it was too good to be true. Of *course* the Paladins had followed the rumor, just as all the mages had. *Perhaps YME had been responsible for that too? Another stupid test?* Ru thought, looking back at YME. Hatred seemed to emanate from every part of his being as he stood, cloaked before them. His reply to the Paladin's demand of surrender, and then his ruthless slaughter of the knights sent chilled Ru. He had killed the men while they were routing. Paladins they may have been, but they were still human. Ru returned to the table, scooping up one of the piles of coins. He'd gone this far, may as well see it through. YME was interrupted once more, as a red-haired boy jumped out of his shadow. The two had a brief discussion, and Ru's fears this quest might bring on the end of the world suddenly seemed a lot less ridiculous. The group was ushered out of the town after collecting their down payment. A dark presence seemed to weigh down on them, and looking back, it seemed as if a shadow were standing next to YME and Seth. The one they'd referred to as Mimel earlier, perhaps? Regardless, Ru was happy to be walking away from the dead town. Small discussions were popping up amongst the mages, however Ru stayed quiet, thinking about what had happened. He wasn't one for battles, preferring rather to go unnoticed. All the killing left him feeling uneasy. Eventually one of the group, the same one he'd saved from nearly being stabbed during the fighting, announced a plan to scout ahead. *Probably not a bad idea.* Ru thought to himself, stepping forward. **"I'll join you, though I'm more used to sneaking around streets and buildings than woods and grasslands. The principles should largely be the same I imagine."** Ru doubted they'd run into many traps along the way, however there were other things to be afraid of out in the wilds. Running into a scar could prove quite fatal, especially if the entire group wandered into it unawares. Besides, the young man reminded Ru somewhat of himself, of what he may have become had he taken a different path so many years earlier. **"Call me Ru."**