Re felt a tap on his shoulder: "Mission, taking out some SC bigshot." An overlay appeared in his vision. Hyde Neiman Field Op Commander, BESC Kill Priority: [Gamma] Hyde was a smug looking man, not wearing any visible weapons, but he was a soldier. That smirk probably contained everything from lasers to obscenely strong explosives. Knowing BESC, he wouldn't be surprised in the least- he'd seen much weirder. "Sniper gig?" "Yeah, he's meeting up with someone." "Well that's just suicide. They know people like us are out there; they'll have security all over the place." "Would it be insane to think this isn't anything anyone'd know about?" "Hell yeah it would be." "Fair enough. We think it's a drug deal or something, so it's not like he'd want even BESC to know about it." Re stood up, and took his rifle off the rack, slotting a new battery into the gun. "Right, then," he said, "let's go be rebels."