Hyde Neiman was what BESC themselves might label a 'loose cannon' but there was absolutely no denying his effectiveness in the field. Right now he was managing a surveillance center that had been set up in a low-rise apartment building across the street from some suspected insurrectionists. BESC had purchased the property as part of their 'Buy Back Babylon' state run accommodation scheme and immediately put it to use as a cuckoos nest. Neiman had overseen dozens of operatives troop into the flat carrying heavy cases of military hardware. The cases were snapped open satisfyingly to unveil a host of intelligence machines which linked them to cameras, drones, squads on the ground, everything. When everything was set up and operational, Neiman sloped off and found the apartment's toilet where he promptly suffused himself with a healthy dose of Bactralye, an organically grown anti-depressant from Cornucopia. One of his sources, a woman by the name of Tzu, contacted him telepathically via implant. "Hyde, your vitals are so fascinating. Why is your heart rate one hundred and ninety two? Are you sprinting to catch a train?" Neiman internally laughed, when he was able to stop he shot back: "It's some good shit okay? What've you got for me?" The walls were beginning to melt, Neiman usually spent about five minutes in the toilet after a hit to calm down. All his colleagues thought he had an irritable bowel. "Someone wants you dead." "No shit, someone always wants me dead. Who is it this time." "I don't know yet, but I've located the assassins who picked up the request. They're inbound and will be danger close in under an hour." Neiman stood up and re tightened his jumpsuit trousers. "Thanks for the heads up Tzu, ping me the details and i'll wire you the money when they're dead."