Name: Emmett Hastings - Erosion Age: Appearance: He has black hair and green eyes Ability: The ability to break down and erode anything. Personality: He's the one no one wants to mess with. He is very tempermental, easily angered, and not too discriminating when it comes to exacting revenge, except he tries not to knowingly harm other people. If he hurts someone in the process of hurting his target, oh well, but if the target of his anger has escaped, he won't just let loose on the other people in the room. His revenge also comes in many shapes and sizes. He is often isolated because of the destructiveness of his power. Most of the time he hides it that he minds it, but when angry he tends to let things slip. He’s a rebel and a punk, will argue with people and tends to disrespect authority. Bio: Past in a minute. He is often treated as the rebellious wayward son, with a mix of fondness and frustration. Job: Are they a villain, hero or neutral: