Amelia smiled at Ceveo. ''For what else would those books say the wrong things? Mother nature, also known as the fairy mother, is a dear friend of mine.. I am one of the last elfs and got banished after marrying a fire-elemented warlock'' she said with a smile and showed both students the way. ''Ceveo, you are strong, you have great potential. you will learn to see the truth trough the lies, and if you don't understand that now, then have patient. I would love to help you, you only have to know that the thing you did in the pool is something very dangerous.. Every element, is a part of Nature. But Nature witches and warlocks are only allowed to help nature recover after winter and help wounded forests, fairy's build houses and serve mother nature..'' she said. ''What you probably didn't know is that, as I said, the Fairy Mother ís Mother Nature. She choose every 250 years a new fairy, is this fairy bounded to a witch or warlock? Then that witch or warlock becomes the priest of Mother Nature'' she said. ''It is important to learn listening to the tree's, flowers, bushes.. Even that little twig that just broke of can have a something very important to tell you'' she said. ''I would really like it to help you learn more about you're element'' she said.