Hyde exited the toilet and quickly got back to work, struggling to remain calm; the Bactralye was strong and overpowering but Neiman was a pro. He'd first been approached by a bulk distributor of the product a few years ago. They'd never been on first name terms and Hyde knew him simply as Mister Hill. The money being offered for making sure the operation remained below BESC's radar easily tripled his annual take home. Neiman had never been particularly loyal to any cause, least so the organization that was trimming his fringe benefits left, right and center. So he'd gladly taken the shady distributor up on his offer and enjoyed an unlimited supply of anti depressants. The apartment was buzzing with activity. Marksmen stationed at the windows scanned the opposite building for activity while operatives pored over the vast array of equipment. Neiman swooped around the room, directing traffic with a practiced ease. Pulling a holotab out of his jumpsuit and turning it on, the warm orange light painted his face with a rare splash of color. The assassin's vehicle and the various shooters with their profiles shot onto his screen from Tzu. With two fingers he selected the snipers currently assigned to kill him and plugged them into the surveillance network. Immediately their faces and possible location filled every screen and HUD. Several faces turned toward him but Neiman just smiled. "This just in from head office. We have a new primary objective: find and kill these assassins."