> "I already knew that she is Mother Nature, and is also worshipped as a goddess by many nature element witches and warlocks. And I know what happens every 250 years. I was raised by her, after all. She only sent me here so I can learn to socialize with other humans while I learn more about my element. But from what I've seen, most humans are boring. I liked it better in the Great Forest." ''The Great Forest isn't a place for Humans.. You should know that'' Amelia said, her tone changed from light and nice to more like a teacher. ''Humans is not what we are here.. A Witch lives mostly longer than a average human.. That also counts for Warlocks of course, after all they are simply Male Witches but they prefer the term Warlock'' She said. ''And, if I was you, I should try not to be so sure of your self, I believe that there is enough for you to learn'' she says, opening the door of the cafeteria. ''Here is the cafeteria, Allie, as a water witch I recommend you the tea here.. I think you will like that. And don't worry, you will learn a lot more about how magic works'' she said with a wink. Then she turned around and walked of, almost like a model.