### **Shadows of Rebellion** --- ####**End of an Empire** The Empire. A huge land containing countless lives, and now rife with corruption. The ascension of Minister Honest alongside the newest Emperor has led to the neglect of state affairs, weakness in the regular military, decadence, and all around administrative incompetence. However, even in such a weakened state the Empire is like a giant compared to its neighbors. Its vast manpower and resources could perhaps be defeated- if not for the Imperial Arms created by the first Emperor. Their considerable abilities, beyond that of normal humanity, has allowed the Empire to maintain its power even now. However, the game has changed. Though the Empire originally owned the majority of the Teigu, this has quickly changed with Minister Honests lethargy in dealing with the rebellion. With the current situation as it is now, the rebellion has enough trained troops and Imperial Arms users to almost challenge the Empire's might directly. Will this be the final chapter for the Empire? Or the first chapter for a new story within its history? --- [Basic Map](http://i.imgur.com/bLRw2cO.jpg) --- ####**Player Factions** - _WaldGeist_: If Night Raid is the hidden surgical blade of the Rebels Army, WaldGeist is its hammer. That is not to say that WaldGeist doesn't participate in covert operations- on the contrary, it is an organization that focuses on special operations. But to put it simply, they are not murderous assassins. In many ways, they are the primary face of the rebellion. They are seen as heroes by the rebel army, and are exalted as saviors by the people(those with rebel sentiments, anyway). Each one is considered one of the best the rebellion has to offer, even if some of them have yet to unlock that potential. Their basic objective is to support the rebel army as an elite force when needed, turning the tide of battle with their immense skill, Teigu, and the morale boost to the troops their presence gives. They also commit operations deep behind enemy lines, target critical locations or people for capture or destruction, and cause undeniable havoc within the enemies ranks. Outside of combat they spread the cause of the rebellion-using the common people against the Empire. With the rebellion starting to gain momentum, the time to push for the capital doesn't seem so far off anymore. The WaldGeist are being used to secure supply depots, cause havoc for the Empire, capture forts, and destroy enemy morale in preparation for the final attack on the Imperial Capital- and Honest Waldgest is nominally led by the no nonsense General Turner, a defector from the Empire. She works hard to maintain their good public image(And instill her special brand of "discipline" in them whenever necessary). - _1st Imperial Army Ranger Corps_: Even if the Empire is undeniably a rotting pile of decadence, there are still strong people within it. Indeed, the strong still exist- they just exploit the weak rather than protect them now. Regardless of the Empires state, the Rangers are certainly strong. Great General Budo is a seasoned man with many years of military training and experience. After seeing the deplorable state of the Empire, and the growing rebel army and the support it got, he made moves to form something to counter it. Out of this concern and the actions after, the Imperial Rangers were formed. It was meant to be an elite unit of Teigu users who would destroy the rebellion and crush its leadership, alongside raising the Empires faltering morale. But of course, things tend not to end up how one wants them. Honest was more concerned with Night Raid, and more importantly, had more of the Emperors ear than Budo. When Budo began to form this unit and try to call upon the Empires Teigu, Minister Honest bypassed him and formed his own special force, taking the majority of the known Teigu with him. Due to these setbacks, the Imperial Army Rangers have been reformed into what they are now. Using a combination of conquered tribe survivors(Promised land and equal status in the empire for themselves and their families), the Imperial Guard(Personally trained by Budo to protect the palace), and the most talented of the Imperial military, the Great General formed the Rangers under a new doctrine and for a new purpose; with their limited number of thirty thousand elite troops, slow and stop the rebel armies advance at all costs. Outfitted with an outstanding number of guns, artillery, and other state of the art rare weapons of the Empire, they have been sent out to contain and stall time so the rebellion won't overtake the thousand year old Empire. They are the Empires "tip of the spear". Led by the crafty General Medeline who ensures they fight for Emperor and Empire and fulfill all their oaths(Including paying her tabs). --- ####Rules: 1) The normal unspoken and basic rules of the casual sections apply to this. Proper spelling, try to bring any disagreements to PMs, no auto-hitting, etc. 2) In regards to auto-hitting, without special circumstance, you can't hit a character without them responding they were hit. Naturally, however, if someone uses mass gun fire on you, unless you have a speed teigu or armor teigu, you will be swiss cheese. Essentially, use logic. 3) Characters can die, and its expected that some will. This is an Akame ga Kill RP; Death is just around the corner. 4) This roleplay will be squad based; be flexible with your character. Squad leaders and squad positions will be assigned to characters after a majority of the apps have been approved. If you want to put your hat in to be one of the squad leaders, send me a private message. Even if a character doesn't get a squad leader spot, they can be moved to a newly formed squad and assume leadership there as more characters are apped over the course of this RP. 5) As of right now, plan for just having one character. This will likely be changed, I'm fairly sure of it, but on the off chance this isn't changed, just apply one character for now. 6) Teigu/Imperial Arms will be a bit more limited at the start of this roleplay due to story reasons(If we have a lot of them there will be plot holes). However, I fully intend to get Teigu to those who want them over the course of the RP as the story progresses'. Don't worry to much about not having an Imperial Arms at the very start of the roleplay, you will get your own fairly quickly. 7) Teigu should fit within the basic themes of Akame ga Kill, and their limitations. I leave you to judge what you think that means, but for example, true resurrection is out. Time/space Teigu aren't something that's likely to be approved at the current time, so keep that in mind as well. 8) Have fun, and good luck~! --- ####**Character Application**- Name: Obvious Faction: (Rangers/WaldGeist) Age: Obvious Gender: Obvious Appearance: Image or words work Personality: Obvious. Keep them in character with the faction they're in, to a degree. Personal History: Its good to note where they are from and how they relate to the Empire and have a stake in this situation, on top of their history as a warrior and their basic history. Skills: Both combat and non-combat. Try to theme your character towards a single skill set. This will allow them to fulfill a role on their team, and will make their abilities more potent. Teigu: The Imperial Arms. If you don't know what this is, I suggest asking me directly or reading the wiki. Remember the loose limitations in the rules and follow them. Both the Rangers and WaldGeist will start out with a fairly limited number; two for each faction. This is intended to be raised rather quickly(So you will get a Imperial Arms early game RP wise); the numbers are this low because the majority of Teigu users are currently in Night Raid and the Jaegers. If you have any problems with this, PM me about it.