**Name:** Hakuga Yukimura **Faction:** WaldGeist **Age:** 18 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** [Hakuga's Appearance](http://i.imgur.com/UBK0qCE.jpg) **Personality:** Hakuga can seem aloof, stoic, or even dark and broody at times, but if he can be pulled into interacting with others he's actually quite friendly. He displays a brotherly and protective bond with those he deems friends, but to enemies he is overwhelmingly hostile, to the point of being perhaps too merciless even against the corrupt forces of the Empire. When his rage is provoked, it takes him a great deal of time to calm down, and to burn off the excess energy he's often seen training outside camp. He has a peculiar habit of "marking his territory" and doesn't like other people touching his stuff without permission. **Personal History:** Like a certain sadistic general of the Empire, Hakuga was raised in a remote village in the deep wilderness on the desolate outskirts of civilization. Out here, where Danger Beasts lurked behind every corner, the rule was "The Strong survive, the Weak die." And Hakuga couldn't stand it. The lands around his village were poor for farming, and there weren't any ore deposits to even get metal from, so weapons were scarce. In order to hunt and defend themselves, the members of the village invented and practiced a fierce style of martial arts, said by the few who saw it to be even on the level of the Imperial Fist and the Rakshasa Demons. With movements based on those of fierce predators, it is a style that focuses on completely tearing an enemy apart. Hakuga became strong indeed, but still could not bear the philosophy he was forced to live by. Even a wolf cub is born weak and defenseless. But a grown wolf is fast and deadly, no doubt strong. So which is the wolf? Is it weak or strong? Does it deserve to live or die? And who, truly, had the right to even give those labels in the first place? Martial arts were invented to let the weak fight against the strong and win. So were strong martial artists truly strong? Were the strong actually weak? The world was too complex a place for such a simple, damning excuse of a philosophy! Yet it still enforced the "law of the wild?" He decided that he would pick a fight with the whole world. He would change those rules. If might made right, he would be the mightiest, and then he would make new rules. And in his new world, everyone, whether a weak baby or one who was once strong but now was old and toothless...all of them would have a chance to be happy. He left his village and traveled, seeking to become stronger and to change the world a little bit at a time. But in doing so he was exposed to the black heart of the Empire, and filled with an utter, all consuming fury. Immediately he sought out the Revolutionary Army, and fought his hardest against what he saw as the very personification of the ideal he had hated all his life. **Skills:** +Master of Hand to Hand Combat - As his martial arts were designed to defeat Danger Beasts, Hakuga is used to fighting those stronger or larger than he is, and his experience in deflecting claws, tails, and fangs even allows him some degree of skill against a weapon. +Athleticism - Because of his training, Hakuga's running, jumping, climbing, and other purely athletic abilities are beyond the norm for a human. +Cooking - If he can get his hands on it, he can make almost anything taste great, even the scaly flesh of Danger Beasts. This comes from his experience of hunting for his own food, and his travels. **Teigu:** Currently Not Obtained. Listed below, however, is the Teigu I've discussed him gaining with the GM. Raging Beast: Beowulf This Teigu is a secondary model that used Animal King: Lionelle as a prototype after it was lost; while Lionelle would later be found by pure coincidence by Leone of Night Raid, Beowulf was stolen by the revolution. Whereas Lionelle's greatest ability lay in its enhanced healing, Beowulf was designed to make the user the ultimate predator. Its healing factor is only slightly higher than that of a normal human's, but in exchange their physical attributes are far higher, granting them enormous strength and speed, exponentially enhanced senses, and animal instinct. In addition, its special skill "Predation" allows the user to become stronger through a rather grotesque method: They must devour the flesh of other living beings. The stronger the flesh that is eaten, the greater the growth in power. The downside to this Teigu is that the user must have an extremely strong will to control it, as their aggression rises to the max. This Teigu takes the form of a belt, like Lionelle, made of fine golden fur threaded into a soft cloth. Despite its seeming frailty, it cannot be destroyed by normal means. When used, the wielder transforms into a [wolf-like beast](http://i.imgur.com/4Dwl7Tz.png).