Rayn made his way down the road. Making his patrol through down town. He didn't have to do this because of his rank but he did it for other reasons and he liked getting out and walking around. He pulled a late shift today because of a favor he owed a guy. He made his way through the rougher part of town... Where he heard running and scuffling near by. He bolted around the corner only to run into matsen and Nyima. Standing over a dead airbender. He skidded to a stop, shocked to see Nyima there. He stood there for a moment looking at the airbender and matsen. Matsen was just as shocked, "Rayn.... What are you doing here?" Rayn glared at him and balled up his fist. Before Nymia could say anything he shifted his foot, throwing him off balanced at which he pulled up some rock with a quick thrust up with his hands and shoved it at Matsen who blocked one rock with his water but was hit with the second at which he jumped on top of him and started punching him. "I TOLD YOU ID KILL YOU IF YOU GOT HER INVOLVED." He continued punching him, until he knocked him out. He sat there for a moment before looking towards Nymia and said"why are you here?"