Make it either changing the kinetic energy of things by altering their speed or mass, or make it infusion objects with explosive energy. Potential energy, as a physics thing, doesn't cause things to explode--that's the main deal. At Jangel's behest, I have worked his character into the new format for him. However, I do have something that must be said for Jangel: while Tree tolerated you during the previous chapter, I will be expecting you to hold up to Casual-level standards while I'm the GM. That means capitalization, punctuation, and clear grammar. Think you can do it? Name: Greyson Ortega Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: Ransack – a large buster sword equipped with a miniature shotgun on the blunt side of its blade. Specialty: in a fight, with Greyson's large sword and love for battle he will be best suited for the vanguard position or if their is a plan involved then Greyson would be suited as a decoy to draw the enemies attention with. Semblance: _Counter_ - for a split second, Greyson imbues his weapon with his aura, freezing himself in place. If an enemy strikes it during this time, the aura instantly transfers to it instead, paralyzing it and allowing Greyson to attack freely. Personality: Greyson is a good guy and as such is always smiling and being a kind to others. Greyson has the fever for battle, and when he is fighting, he goes out like man and will hack and slash his way to victory with a smile on his face. Greyson, nice however he may be, still hates when people talk about how they wish pain on others following an argument, which is a curse Greyson knows all to well so when someone tries to threaten someone that way he turns very dark and punches them--though if it's a woman, he warns her to take it back, or else. Color: Bright Green Emblem: ![emblem]( "enter image title here") Appearance: ![Image]( "enter image title here") **Announcement time** As of now I am wiping 'Sillygoy' and 'Shadowkiller's friend' from the OP. That's not to say they're kicked out; they'll just have to apply again. Asura, if you do not respond within one day, I'll be wiping you as well, though you can still complete your sheet and turn it back in to be reinstated. Once Lokileo edits his character, we'll be at 22/24 characters. First off, holy cow we have quite the crowd. practically our own little community. Secondly, that means that if Sixsmith and Asura both finish their characters, we are closed for signups. I also have one question to pose to each and every one of you. The question is 'theme?' No, not music, though that might be a part of it. In the anime, each team has a theme. RWBY is fairy tail characters (Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Belle, and Goldilocks) JNPR is famous crossdressers (Joan of Arc, Thor, Achilles, Mulan), CRDL is birds, and CFVY is drinks. We've got the Chinese Monkey King, the Roman god of the sea, Lampwick from Pinocchio, and much more. I think I can safely say that no teams sport a cohesive theme, and that's okay, because we're many different authors rather than few. Thing is, not many of the characters seem to have real themes either. One of the most powerful literary techniques is that of Allusion, the reference to a prior work of literature or art to appeal to a preexisting idea, understanding, etc. Some of us have themes that are clear, like Mary, Rumplestiltskin, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, or the mythical Kitsune, and each of these characters are, in my opinion, made more interesting by them. Since we're still in the planning phase, there is plenty of time -if you want to- to take another look at your character and say "I wonder if it would be awesome/interesting if --- were loosely based of of ---?" Thanks for hearing me out on this.