I think Sapphire is a pretty good fit for the Greek hero Atalanta. In Sapphire's background her father wanted to train a son in the trade if being a hunter but Sapphire's brother couldn't deal with Janus's extreme and abusive form of teaching and ran away. Scared that she would be next Sapphire also ran. Ill prepared and about seven years old she ran into trouble of the Grimm variety very quickly. Luckily there were some qualified hunters patrolling the area who saved her, she was returned to her home. Atalanta's father, King Iasus similarly wanted a son; when Atalanta was born, he left her on a mountaintop to die. Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta until hunters found and raised her, and she learned to fight and hunt as a bear would. She was later reunited with her father. So not exactly the same but similar. I'll let you know if I come up with anything better.