> Hm. I could base Indie on the Phantom of the Opera, except instead of a deformation he has a mental disorder -I'm thinking it should be pyromania- that causes one of his parents to abuse him. This leads him to hide and hate his true self and stride to be the best to appease them. Does anyone else have any ideas about whom he could be based on? There are a whole slew of masked characters to pick from. One that I easily recollect is V, an anarchist donning the Guy Fawkes, who wields knives. In general, if you're looking for ideas, there's no better place to start than Tvtropes.com. I looked up the trope 'an axe to grind' which basically means 'a person who fights with axes' in the literature section and found [This guy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Kui_%28Water_Margin%29) in less than five minutes--he's a berserker bandit from Water Margin, one of the great Chinese literatures. On another note, here's Oswald. ![Oswald](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UQNMhgYyufQ/VMSLZ76NtOI/AAAAAAAAApo/1JvgLnDeEhw/w323-h548-no/Warriors%2B-%2BOswald.png "enter image title here") ![symbol](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kXzOcDxNP14/VMSLZwFI_AI/AAAAAAAAApc/lw4QAK6ABdI/w114-h154-no/Symbols%2B-%2BOswald.png "enter image title here") Gosh darnit made the emblem tiny @Prince, good find! Greek myths always have so much to inspire with. @Forsythe, good enough for me. Not everyone needs one; its basically just an exercise in creativity.