Hey, Lug, concerning theme, my character is based off the Chinese Jade Rabbit. ^^ If that helps any. I noticed the Sun Wukong themed character, so I wouldn't mind pushing him into a Chinese themed team. :o (Someone needs to make someone based off of Chang'e and Hou Yi. *COUGH*) Saying that, I'm very close to finishing him. :o If I don't get him done tonight, he'll be finished tomorrow. If anyone wants, I could offer help finding themes that fit a character. If Lug intends to go with the theme based teams, and if he okays me helpin' others with it. [quote=KabenSaal] [quote=Sixsmith]Oh my good lord in Heaven. You guys need to calm your damn tits. ;_; I've just been so busy with work, but it's letting up next week, so I should be able to participate more in all of this nonsense and churn out m character. I have the concept and am putting whatever time I can into him, but it's hard when you're exhausted cause you garnered like 2 hours of sleep, two nights in a row. ;_; Ffffffmmmmmmlllll[/quote] ![enter image description here](http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/193893-1346592914.png "enter image title here") [/quote] im ur mudder