Double post D: BUT HAVE A RABBIT. I literally couldn't find a picture of an actual dude with rabbit ears that I liked, so whatevs, I really liked the one I used, so I used it. *le cough* I put the Chinese in there becAUSE I CAN. [center][h1][color=00a86b]Jayden Xiang-Delacroix[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img][/img] [i](Credit goes to [url=]Fliegen80s[/url])[/i][/Center] [color=00a86b][Center][b]Name:[/b][/Center][/color] [Center]Jayden "Jay" Xiang-Delacroix[/Center] [color=00a86b][Center][b]Age:[/b][/Center][/color] [Center]18[/Center] [color=00a86b][Center][b]Gender:[/b][/Center][/color] [Center]Male[/Center] [color=00a86b][Center][b]Race:[/b][/Center][/color] [Center]Rabbit Faunus[/Center] [color=00a86b][Center][b]Weapon:[/b][/Center][/color] [Center][url=]Guandao[/url][/Center] Jayden carries three separate guandao to fight with, which all combine to form a portable mortar that serves as long range artillery. Each are nearly identical, with a few differences between each; however, all are exceptionally light, but are extremely durable and can pack a huge punch due to the material used to make them. They are used individually, but in tandem in a sort of juggle that Jayden's spent years and long hours each day attempting to perfect. Each blade is tipped in jade. On occasion, Jayden may use each separately, inciting a different style for each. [color=00a86b][Center][i]Shājiāng - Mortar[/i][/Center][/color] The main one Jayden uses in casual combat or sparring. It's decorated with a numerous amount of gold cranes, though one distinct crane stretches along the blade with bright red on its forehead. Shajiang is the mortar version's stand, but contains pistons used to enhance the power of its wide arcs and sweeps. the entirety of its staff is a dark green color. At the end is a pommel used in Shajiang's attacks for greater impact. When used individually, Jayden elicits an elegant style and his attacks are more powerful sweeps than lunges. It provides the most impact out of each guandao and it's displayed in the weapon's graceful spins and arcs. [color=00a86b][Center][i]Chǔ - Pestel[/i][/Center][/color] A double bladed guandao with golden leaves and vines spread along the staff and blades of the weapon with its staff being a lighter pastel green color. Chu is one half of the mortar's barrel and part of its base. The propellers are located on opposite sides of each other on both axes (like axis) to provide the weapon more spin momentum. Jayden uses it in a acrobatic fashion, spinning and turning with the weapon in a mix of lunges and circular sweeps. It more often than not is used in an unpredictable way as it spins and can provide lethal cuts and slashes rather than a powerful impact. [color=00a86b][Center][i]Yǐ - Elixir[/i][/Center][/color] The last of the trio, Yi provides a heavy spear tip at the opposite end of the guandao's blade, decorated in a variety of rabbits that bounce along in golden trimming to wrap around the entirety of the weapon. A weapon meant to lunge, the impact of each lunge is affected by the piston located at the base of Yi's blade and spear that fire individually and are parallel to the length of the staff. When using Yi, Jayden is usually extremely aggressive in his movements and relentless in his quick jabs--the weapon itself is rather fast paced. Think of it acting as a glorified rapier in a fencing match. It's the other part of the mortar's barrel and base and contains the trigger mechanism to fire it. It's also a light pastel green color. [color=00a86b][Center][i]Yuèliàng Zhī Shàng - Over the Moon[/i][/Center][/color] The ranged version of Jayden's weapons, each guandao folds and shifts into each other to create the entirety of a portable mortar. It's rather skinny for a mortar, but incredibly long to accommodate the length of each staff. The mortar itself is fired by a switch near the bottom of the weapon that, when picked up can be fired in quick succession to release a missile one at a time. When more pressure is applied, via Jayden jumping on the trigger, it releases a flurry of missiles into the air that explode to rain down bouncing, grenade like bombs that each missile contains. The payload is much stronger when shot individually, but doesn't cover as large a range as when shot from the ground. The reload time of the weapon is just a tad slow. But Jayden can usually accomplish a high bounce while reloading, so it's ready to fire on the downward arc. It contains two handles for this purpose, one at the top for the bounce and one at the bottom for being held to fire like an actual gun. [color=00a86b][Center][b]Specialty: [/b][/Center][/color] The hard support, Jayden serves as suppression fire with the long range version of his weapon, since it doesn't provide much accuracy, but it's fast and can hurt if the rounds aren't avoided. In melee range, he's the pressure and still provides suppression for allies. Jayden is a relentless fighter and hits with as much force as he can muster, though it leaves much room for improvement in regards to his accuracy or precision. It could definitely be argued that his role isn't meant to deal any lasting damage, just open up points of others to do so. He provides opportunities for others and essentially positions the enemy the best way possible. He works best in tandem with another when he can provide additional support when coordinating his attacks. [color=00a86b][Center][b]Semblance: [/b] [i]Yuèqiú De Tóngbàn - Lunar Companion[/i][/center][/color] Conveying a soft, jade green aura, Jayden's semblance allows him the opportunity to perpetually enhance his allies in combat in an area around him. It slightly enhances speed, focus, and durability, as well as enhances his healing via physical contact when used. This all at the cost of Jayden's own well-being, as the aura draws from his own status. But the staple of his semblance is in Jayden's ability to control the gravity in the same area around him. This provides either more flexibility with his attacks or more power. It affects everyone in the area (and depending on what he wants, can affect him, too) and can be adjusted by Jayden himself to either increase or decrease to a certain amount (he's unable to literally crush someone or drop gravity into the negatives [is that even possibe?] altogether, but it aids him making things increasingly difficult for his opponents and exceptionally easy for allies). He usually uses the ability to add in juggling his weapons. In dire situations, Jayden can focus his semblance on a certain point, usually on one of his weapons to increase the damage and impact for a few attacks, usually to crack heavy defenses. [color=00a86b][Center][b]Personality:[/b][/Center][/color] A rather reserved individual, Jayden tends to avoid many social interactions just because he finds himself a tad awkward. He's the type of individual more inclined to open up to close friends than random strangers and it shows in the way he interacts with others. Conversations with him are very brisk and Jayden chooses his responses efficiently to make them go by faster, lest he talks with friends and in that case he doesn't mind lengthy conversations. It's hard for him to be truly comfortable, as he finds many situations unnerve him and incite a fight or flight instinct, in which he's usually more prone to walking away than engaging anyone or anything if it can be helped—regardless of whether or not they're hostile. That's not to say that Jayden is a coward, as he's often in the front lines of combat and is very much more in tune with himself in those situations. It's the social aspect that gets him; he doesn't much know how to interact with strangers, so he chooses not to most of the time. Aside from that, Jayden is often considered a loyal companion and a very selfless individual. He's not above sacrificing his time and well being for another person and often swamps himself with favors and things he has no real knowledge of for the sake of helping. However, being a fairly determined individual makes these situations a tad bit easier. Though, it can be a double edged sword or even masochistic on occasion, as Jayden sometimes doesn't understand the line between actually being helpful and being a tool for someone to use. Due to his past, it's hard to get that mindset out of him, as it's become a habit for Jayden to simply do what others ask of him. It doesn't help that he's a faunus either, causing more people to tend to look down on Jayden rather than hold him at an equal light. But, Jayden can often be slightly ignorant concerning such manners and is unable to discern whether an individual is being prejudice or otherwise. Helping people, though, is why his aspirations have turned toward becoming a hunter and, in doing so, a vanguard to the people. Even if those people don't find him human enough to be treated with the respect anyone deserves. [color=00a86b][Center][b]Color: [/b] Jade [#00a86b][/Center][/color] [color=00a86b][Center][b]Emblem: [/b][/Center][/color] A trio of circles in a cog like orientation (not cogs themselves) encircled by a large, hollow circle. The bottom circle is large than the other two and is hollowed with a flame in its center. [color=00a86b][Center][b]Appearance: [/b][/Center][/color] Standing at a stark 6'2", Jayden is a towering individual even when you don't count his ears but he isn't imposing or intimidating in his stance. He seems more stalwart than aggressive and it's obvious in the way he carries himself. It is in part due to his physical build which is more bulky than it is lithe. Though there is an inherent nimbleness in the way he moves due to his leporine nature, especially in combat. Jayden's entire, physical being tends to hide how graceful and limber he's able to be, including flexible. Along with his stature, Jayden's staple features tend to focus around his angular face, feathery hair, and blue eyes. Jayden's long ears are slightly floppy and beige in color, as well as his large, fluffed tail. Jayden speaks with a soft, almost lazy baritone that matches the almost tired expression that's permanently etched itself onto Jayden's features. And that fact isn't entirely untrue, as Jayden often finds himself exhausted more often than not. Light green (from seafoam to pastel) tend to dominate his wardrobe's colors, though he tends to mix various darker reds and blacks, as well as the occasional pinks and purples. His clothes are usually form fitting, but comfortable, and regal in manner. He has a particular fondness for formal wear and suits, though isn't always as pretentious as one would think it'd be. The suits are often mismatched or Jayden occasionally wheres only a few pieces of it to produce a more casual look than one of arrogance. Of course, Jayden's features and the way he holds himself do tend to put him in a more regal stance than many, though it is very unlike his actual demeanor. There's a gracefulness to it, though as stated before, it's subtle and hidden under the various layers that add to Jayden's appearance. As a random note, he does have a tattoo of the moon and a stark white koi fish, with blue markings, that encircles the moon in rather traditional and authentic art style. And he wears a few nasty scars that line his back. [color=00a86b][b][center]Theme Song: [url=]Cherry Wine - Hozier[/url][/center][/b][/color]