[b]Name:[/b] Saint Elise [b]Faction:[/b] 1st Imperial Army Ranger Corps [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://safebooru.org//images/734/5a850a4e27985d0e8b71769b73fd4f94395c12c9.png?1034023]"Fight not for the Empire, but for those within it. Then you will be just and true."[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] A silent, benevolent woman with the utmost respect for life and preserving it. Her words carry both political and spiritual weight, being only second to The Lord himself in her ability to communicate with people. On the battlefield, her personality remains the same for the most part, but those perceptive enough will be able to notice an overwhelmingly sinister element to her smile. Her mere presence can inspire common folk into feats they would never usually be capable of, endlessly raise the morale of troops on the front-line and, rather recently, bring dread to the enemies of the empire. She acts as a confidant for the soldiers and officers of the 1st Rangers, General Madeline included. [b]Personal History:[/b] The 1st Church of the Empire dominates the Empire with its teachings beyond the East, only recently having been taken from it by the Path of Peace. A political organization as much as it is a religious one, the 1st Church has its fair share of 'Superweapon' humans, who enable the First Church to have high standing in the affairs of the empire. On the surface, it is a benevolent orginization, but the reality is that the Church only ever really mirrors the Empire and its current Emperor (the technical head of the First Church). It enables and supports corruption within the empire, and it is not immune to the degeneracy of Honest's rule either. Saint Elise is one of these 'Superweapon' humans. A woman from a desert which takes a year to travel to, her people are warriors of the highest calibre, dwarfing most soldiers of the Empire in martial skill and power by the time they are 12. Elise's tribe came into contact with missionaries from the First Church, converting a small number with her father being among them. He travelled to the capitol, taking the young Elise with him, in order to officially join the Church. The unique techniques and strength of Elise and her father earned them secure places within the Church's hierarchy, with her father becoming one of the 'weapons' of the Church and Elise entering schooling to become a Sister. Her father, now a Cardinal, is among one of the leading figures of the First Church. Over the years, Elise's acts of unending selflessness and kindness brought happiness to many people, be it from simple charitable donations to teaching classes of over ninety children in the most destitute parts of the Empire. At the age of twenty-five, she was recognized as a Saint. Of course what most did not know about Saint Elise until recently was that she is a human powerhouse, recognized in the eyes of the Empire's strongest warriors as an equal. She is undoubtedly a great obstacle that the Rebels must overcome if they wish to proceed. [b]Skills: [/b] [list] [*] [b]The Shadowless Fists:[/b] The name of Elise's tribes Martial Art in the tongue of the Empire. Her tribe lives in one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, the weather and wildlife actively working against them. However, despite this, it is not the tribe that lives in fear of the wildlife, but the wildlife that lives in fear of them. It is a difficult martial art to observe due to the amount of speed which is demanded from the users, but their strikes turn into 'arcs of light' in the air, their limbs a blur and able to even strike enemies at afar. [*] [b]Danger Beast Tamer:[/b] Part of the reason for her 'holy' visage is due to how dangerous creatures seem to follow Elise wherever she goes, subservient and docile by her will. Experience of her homeland allows her to effectively beat Danger Beasts into submission, and through primal fear of her existence, force them to act against their very nature as 'anti-human' creatures. She has a rather large collection of Danger Beasts at her disposal, and cares deeply for each of them. Although absolutely horrific in appearance, their exposure to Elise and her ways has 'softened' them to her, making them act more like gigantic pets when around her. Most commonly seen are the Horned Tiger Kanshou and the Land Tiger Byakuya, both exceptionally powerful for their respective species due to Elise's grooming.[/list] [b]Teigu:[/b] N/A