The surveillance nets which BESC used to track the face and actions of every person within them had been used to great effect over the last centuries to seek out and eliminate insurrectionists. They were expensive to maintain though and Babylon was a huge city; there needed to be some strategy involved. A full strength net typically involved two dozen drones, a half dozen operatives to coalesce with the on site AIs as well as two squadrons of troopers with patrol vehicles to actually go out and snatch the perps. The cell that Neiman managed was fully equipped to manage one full net and he had complete executive control over it's focus. "Focus the Surveillance net around this apartment. Stack up on the doors. We're now on full alert ladies and gentlemen." Hyde called, standing tall with his hands outstretched as his men and women scurried around busily. Kinetic shields were wheeled in and put against the windows to absorb bullets. Striding over to a portable armory, Hyde opened it up and grabbed a standard issue BESC side arm and slotted it into his holster.