[b]Name:[/b] Axel Weiss [b]Faction:[/b] Rangers [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [CENTER][IMG]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140314210354/seaoffools/images/0/0c/Swizzz.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] He stands at 5 feet and 8 inches. [b]Personality:[/b] Axel, in the outside, is someone that would be revered by others as a hero. Someone who stands out beside others because of his rightfulness and good heart, he is unable to see others suffer in a sense and will track down those who made them suffer. He is a just hero in the eyes of others, others outside of their squad that is. He does not speak much of justice or otherwise, but he does speak a lot of punishment delivered by him, in fact he doesn't speak a lot in general while in public. Axel is, in reality, one of the biggest sadists that have ever existed. He loves seeing others writhe in pain when he is doing it, but hates to see others inflicting pain on others, it just isn't as fun. He does his best in tracking down criminals and parts of the rebellion just because he enjoys killing them, he does the 'right' thing because he can enjoy the pain that comes afterwards from them. Brutal and with a fairly short fuse, you shouldn't piss him off unless you want something shoved up your... Well, you know what comes next. Provocative and an overall asshole to his enemies, he likes to degrade them to the point that some of them just want to either die or snap his neck. Reliable and good to his comrades, but a living nightmare for his enemies, some think that Axel is either really good at acting, has a split personality or just is that twisted. [b]Personal History:[/b] Axel grew up as the son of an imperial soldier wiht a fairly good live, with her mom raising him and he helping his mother to raise his little sister. His father was regarded as one of the best imperial soldiers ever, not because of his skills or otherwise, but more because he was really kind to others and an overall good person. His skills were so-so, but he boosted morale like crazy. That is, until he decided to defect to the rebel army. He was killed before he could even try to leave the Empire, though. Word quickly arrived to his family but, of course, twisted words. They told Axel, his mother and little sister that he was killed in duty while he was fighting against the Revolution Army. In Axel's mother, and in him, grew a hatred bigger than life itself. Axel joined the Imperial Army in order to take revenge for his father. He started off as part of the torturers, but as he climbed ranks, he became an assassin, the a high ranked soldier, and now, part of the rangers. Through his exploits and jobs, his sadistic side and cruel demeanor grew bigger and bigger, eventually putting his revenge in second plate to just go on because he enjoys killing. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Weiss Family Swordplay:[/i] Axel's father taught him how to use a sword, and Axel came up with his own skill set. He uses a single handed rapier and most of the time while he moves and fights, it seems as if he were dancing ballet. His swordplay is really something focused on being swift and giving a lot of tiny strikes rather than focusing on powerful strikes. Axel also incorporates a gun into his swordplay, however, it is an old model of those that take forever to recharge, so he tries to time well his shots. Apparently, it a heirloom of his late father, and that's why he uses it. [i]Dancing:[/i] He knows how to dance ballet, strangely enough, given that he incorporates it in his fighting style. [i]Marksmanship:[/i] His accuaracy is deadly, as most of his shots hit their mark. [b]Teigu:[/b] None right now.