**Name:** Kaizer **Faction:** WaldGeist **Age:** 26 **Gender:** Male **Appearance: ** ![enter image description here](http://33.media.tumblr.com/a8cc6e28ecc2f2bad2aea24382dcae41/tumblr_nf0gijVvSJ1rlkof1o1_500.jpg "enter image title here") New look as part of the revolutionary army, WaldGeist. **Personality:** Kaiser was a man who once was cold hearted, and cold blooded mainly due to the traumatic and hellish experience he went through during the course of his life in the Empire. As of now, he is a man who tries to set things right for a cause even if his actions are pragmatic. Equipped with a calm, level headed,optimistic and humble persona, Kaiser sets his eyes in a never averting path of change that he sees as a must for all his past transgressions. **Personal History:** Kaiser is the son of a former General in the Empire; his Father thought him everything he knew. The young Kaizer aspired to be like his Father, always training to be like him, training as hard as he could so achieve his goals. But what goal does make the man? Kaiser saw his Father seemingly murdered an innocent and for that he was traumatized and that day became the coming age of hardships for him, his Father was imprisoned for such deed, tainting the glorious reputation of the surname which never again Kaizer uses. Much more to his liking, he even changed his name to Kaizer because he doesn't want to be known as the son of a tainted General. As a child a lot of kids were bullying him because of the incident, he didn't care about it but moves on as progress is to be made clear, serve the Empire and do what his Father failed to do. From then on he worked as hard as he could, his rage was his motive. An anguishing pain of righteous anger to claim his honor, Kaizer took whatever was offer to him blindly just to fit his quest for becoming stronger and honor that is to be restored. Unfortunately everything he does, little does he know that it only makes the Empire as corrupted as it is, more corrupted due to him being an assassin, it isn't what his Father would have done but brought it on himself. He continued blindly, one track minded just for the sake of this and that, killing blindly, receiving tempting offers and eventually he became even more blind as a Lance Corporal, a position offered by one of the officials in hopes that he, the son of a General could do better than his old man, heck the Empire was corrupted to begin with. At some point of time, Kaizer slowly realized the darkness of the Empire, he knew it before but as blind as a bat, he neglected it. What made him become the man he is today was knowing the truth that set him free. His Father was set up for the fall, reasons unknown, this angered Kaizer and made him went after the people who did his Father wrong. He killed a lot of people back then and at the same time, an eye for an eye and as selfish at it is, he tried bailing his Father out of prison but failed. A battle sparked between him and a sadistic man, the battle was short lived, he lost his left arm back then(He now has a prosthetic one). To seek revenge, revolution, and redemption; Kaizer joined the revolutionary army not only for his Father but for the people who had have been living under corruption for so long. VIVA LA REVOLUTION! **Skills:** In any case, Kaizer is skilled at wielding two handed weapons. A bow and an arrow for long ranged combat and dual swords for close ranged combat. He is a ranged fighter. Combat wise. Outside of combat; he plays musical instruments, cooks, sings, and knit his own clothes. He was once a fashionable soldier. **Teigu:** None