[quote=NarcissisticPotato] [quote=XNoBrainX] Rakim doesn't dance around the backlines though. He fights close ranges too to trap his opponents. Nice leader, you really know how your members fight. Meh, to be serious now. I think they'd both be good leaders. So like I wanted to compromise - we can work together! [/quote] In all seriousness, considering that Rakim is a lot more squishy than the rest of the team, it would probably be best for him to run around, setting up his traps and occasionally helping to push enemies towards them! [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqcLjcSloXs]There can only be one[/url] Yeah, I wouldn't mind a joint-enterprise but there can only be one official leader! Rayna is not a dictator! [s]Well, not for now.[/s] [/quote] I'm willing to let you be the official leader then. Also, he uses his semblance to make up for that squishiness lol.